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Use this guide to get started with the Billing & Payment system. You will have an overview of the main features that the system is processing, thereby understanding more about the system's behavior on each resource/service.
Here, we divide the system into 3 main functional groups:
Payment: Processing tasks related to Resource payment, Bill payment, Linking payment gateway outside VNG Cloud wallet, etc.
Invoice management: Recording user actions on resources, thereby recording new invoices for the corresponding resources on each specific action (creating new, changing configurations, renewing, etc.)
Resource lifecycle management: Effectively controlling the resource lifecycle and notifying users of expiring resources, automatic renewal,... helping users make timely decisions to ensure a seamless resource usage experience.
Overview of the process of creating and paying for resources for the VNG Cloud Service users
Step 1: Configure resources
1.1 Access the vServer, vStorage, vMonitor product page.
1.2 Choose the resource and configuration to use on the product page.
1.3 Confirm the use of resources to proceed to payment: Here, the system will redirect users to the resource payment page.
Step 2: Pay for resources
2.1 Choose the quantity of resources and usage time.
2.2 Enter applicable Coupons (if any).
2.3 Confirm payment: Here, we support users to pay with the following methods: Using Credit balance Top up & Pay Via linked account.
2.4 Payment successful: The system will redirect users to the previous product page (at step 1).
Step 3: Check resource and payment information
3.1 Check resource information on the product page.
3.2 Generate invoices: Check payment and invoice information at User Portal:
Note: The above is a reference guide for prepaid users, there will be some differences for postpaid users. Refer to details at: Prepaid & Postpaid users.
Related Topics
Prepaid & Postpaid users
Invoice management
Resource lifecycle management