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An floating IP address (FIP) is a public IP address that you can reserve and use as an independent resource. FIPs can be retained independently and associated with or disassociated from primary interface of instances in virtual private clouds (VPCs).
FIPs are NAT IP addresses that are located in the gateway of VNG Cloud. By means of NAT, FIPs are mapped to the primary network interfaces of the vServer instances. You can associate FIPs with vServer instances that are located in VPCs to enable the instances to communicate over the Internet. FIPs is invisible inside the operating systems of vServer instances.
FIPs can be associated with vServer instances. An FIP can be associated only with an vServer instance that meets the following requirements:
The vServer instance is located in a VPC.
The vServer instance is located in the same zone as the FIP.
The vServer instance is in the Running or Stopped state.
No External Interface are attached.
A Floating IP is created along with the Server initialization. However, you can view the list of Floating IPs attached to the Server in the vServer control panel at the following link:
You can log on to the and associate an Floating IP with an vServer instance that is located in a VPC and is not attached External Interface.
You can also go to the and associate an Floating IP with an vServer instance that is located in a VPC and is not attached External Interface.
If your vServer instance no longer needs an Floating IP, you can disassociate the Floating IP from the instance in the .
You can also disassociate the Floating IP from the vServer instance on the
Billing of an Floating IP continues after it is disassociated. If you no longer need the Floating IP, go to the to release the Floating IP