Working with project
After you successfully complete the above steps, the automatic renewal feature for the project has been turned off.
Log in to .
Select the icon
in the project you want to disable auto-renew. Select Disable Auto-renew.
The Disable Auto-renew screen is displayed .
Select OK.
A Project is a term on vStorage that represents a storage package with a specific capacity that you purchase on VNG Cloud. With Region HCM04, at a time you can only own one Project and use them to organize your data storage.
Project scope
Project naming rules
The following rules apply to project naming in vStorage:
Project name must be between 1 (minimum) and 40 (maximum) characters long.
Project names can only contain uppercase and lowercase letters (a-z, A-Z), numbers (0-9), periods (.), spaces ( ), underscores (_), hyphens (-), and the @ character.
Project names should not contain sensitive information (e.g. IP addresses, account names, login passwords, etc.).
The project name must be unique across a VNG Cloud account within or across regions until the project is deleted. We recommend that your business project or product name be used as the name of the project stored in vStorage.
The following example project names are valid and follow the recommended naming guidelines:
project du an 1
The following example project names are valid but we do not recommend using them:
The following example project names are invalid:
Project efficiency 80% (contains %)
project_1/2022 (contains / character)
Create a project
Create a project by following the steps below:
Log in to . If you don't have an account, register for free here .
Select Region HCM04.
Select Create a Project.
Enter Project Name and select the appropriate Project type (package) according to your needs. Currently in region HCM04, we will provide you with the Instant Archive Type package . With this package, you will have free Traffic equal to 2 times the Quota you choose to use and the Request amount is completely free. For more information on pricing, please refer to Pricing.
Select the Quota (storage capacity) you want.
Select Period and check/uncheck Auto-renew according to your needs.
Go through the Checkout steps and your Project will be created.
View project information
You can view and use properties for the project including general project information, generated S3 key pairs, auto-scaling configuration if any, impact history as well as project connection information to S3,...
To view the properties for a project, you can:
Log in to .
Select Region: HCM04
Select the icon
in the project you want to see details.
On the project details page , you can view and use properties for the project.
Information : Provides general project information such as Total quota, Total usage, Project type, Account URL, Project Owner.
S3 key : Provides information about S3 key pairs that are initialized for the project from vStorage Portal. To initialize S3 key, please refer here.
History : Provides historical information affecting the project including action type, action status, time the action occurred, and a detailed description of the action if available.
Connection Information : Provides commands and configuration files to connect the project to S3.
Resize a project
You have initialized the project with an initial quota that matches your storage needs. Now your business needs have changed and the old capacity cannot meet them. To solve this problem, you can change the storage quota through the Change Quota feature that we provide.
To change the quota for a project, you can:
Log in to .
Select the checkbox at the project you want to increase or decrease the limit and select the icon
or you can also select the icon
then select Resize.
The Resize project screen is displayed . Select the storage quota you want to increase, the storage quota you can increase or decrease to the maximum or minimum quota provided by the hosting package. You cannot adjust the storage quota to be smaller or larger than this value.
Select Resize project.
Select Checkout after reviewing your shopping cart and payment method.
Select Continue to checkout and make payment after choosing the appropriate payment method.
After you successfully complete the above 6 steps, the new total quota value after change will be updated on the general information of the project you selected.
Renew a project
You have started your project with a short retention period. Now your business needs have changed and you want to increase this retention period. To solve this problem, you can change the retention period through the renew feature we provide.
To renew a project, you can:
Log in to .
Select the checkbox at the project you want to increase or decrease the limit and select the icon
or you can also select the icon
then select Renew .
Select the desired storage period to renew. We offer storage periods of 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 12 months, 24 months, 36 months . When you select a renewal period, the system will automatically calculate the effective time of the new storage period and the total amount you need to pay for project renewal .
Select Checkout after reviewing your shopping cart and payment method.
Select Continue to checkout and make payment after choosing the appropriate payment method.
After you successfully complete the above 5 steps, the new retention period after project renewal will be updated on the general information of the project you selected.
Auto-renew a project
In addition to manually renewing a project, we also support you to set up automatic renewal through the Auto-renew feature.
The automatic renewal feature is a system feature that supports automatic renewal of expired services more easily for prepaid customers. Customers do not need to worry about when the service expires to access the vStorage Portal to renew, pay,...
7 days before the service expires, the system will send an email notification about the automatic service renewal. During these 7 days, you will receive 1 notification email each day.
The system will automatically renew 3 days before the service expires:
If you have enough credits, all services will be renewed. When the renewal is successful or failed, we will send you an email containing information about the successful/failed renewal. The service renewal payment history will also be stored on the vConsole system. For more information, visit the vConsole Dashboard .
If there are not enough credits, the system will try to renew the services until there are no more credits. When the renewal is successful or failed, we will send you an email containing the successful/failed renewal information. The service renewal payment history will also be stored on the vConsole system. For more information, visit the vConsole Dashboard .
Delete project
You have created a project with the appropriate hosting package. Now your business needs have changed and you no longer need the project. We recommend that you delete the project to optimize costs.
To delete a project, you can:
Log in to .
Select the icon
in the project you want to delete. Select Delete .
Enter the string delete me and select Delete.
After you delete the project, the deleted project will disappear from your project list. At this time, the deleted project will be in the Trash , your deleted project will be stored in the Trash for 7 days without any charge. During these 7 days, you can restore the deleted project. To restore, see the instructions in the Restore project section. If after 7 days you do not restore the project, the project and all data inside will be completely deleted from the system and cannot be restored.
If you delete a project before the initial retention period, we will refund you, and if you restore a project, we will also charge you a restore fee. For details on how vStorage charges for project refunds and restores, see How it's Charged.
Because deleting a project is risky, we recommend that you consider carefully and create a backup version of the project before deleting it.
Restore project
You have just deleted a project or a project has expired. The project will be moved to the Trash folder and stored here for 7 days. After 7 days, the project will be permanently deleted and cannot be restored. During these 7 days, you discover that you have deleted the wrong project or you want to continue using the expired project. To solve this problem, we provide you with the feature to restore the deleted project.
To restore a deleted project, you can:
Log in to .
Select the Trash menu.
Select the icon
on the project you want to restore.
Select Restore .
Select Checkout after reviewing your shopping cart and payment method.
Select Continue to checkout and make payment after choosing the appropriate payment method.
After you successfully complete the above 6 steps, the project will be restored with new archive cycle information and updated on the general information of the project you selected.
When a project is moved to the Trash, you will no longer be able to upload/download or perform actions on objects. We recommend that you renew or back up all data in the project before the expiration date.
Auto-scale Quota
The Auto-scale Quota feature in vStorage allows you to set up automatic storage expansion based on your usage and needs. This guide will provide details on how to configure and manage this feature through the vStorage Portal.
To set up automatic growth for a project, you can:
Log in to .
In the project that needs to set Auto-scale Quota, select the icon
then select Auto-scale and continue to select Configure Auto-scale or select the icon
then select Set Auto-scale .
At the Auto-scale configuration screen , set up the necessary parameters for Auto Scale . Specifically:
Set Quota Unit: you can choose 1 of 2 types of units including GB or Percent .
Set Quota Threshold or Quota Remain: If you choose Quota Unit as Percent , here you will enter the percentage of usage threshold that when reached will trigger the quota increase. If you choose Quota Unit as GB , here you will enter the remaining quota that when reached will trigger the quota increase.
Set Quota Increment Level : enter desired increment level in GB or Percent .
Choose to receive email notification when quota increase is successful if desired.
Enable Auto-scale at the icon
. When this icon becomes ,
it means you have successfully enabled Auto-scale .
The vStorage system will perform a 5-minute auto-scaling check to automatically increase capacity based on the set threshold.
The price is applied according to the standard vStorage price list , the feature only increases capacity without changing the Storage Class.
Users need to ensure that they have sufficient credit balance for their account (prepaid) before performing Auto-scaling.
If the capacity increase fails , the user will receive an email notification. After two consecutive auto-scaling failures, our system will stop sending email notifications to you. You need to proactively access vStorage to manually resize the project according to the instructions above.
Create a POC project
When you are a user on the vStorage system, by default you will not be able to perform POC projects. POC is a program that helps customers experience the service through the value (in credit in the POC wallet) provided by VNG Cloud to customers. Normally, POC wallets will be granted through promotional programs, promotional campaigns of VNG Cloud. Thereby, customers can experience creating certain services within a specified period of time. To perform POC projects, please contact the Sales staff or the staff who directly supports you or open a support ticket on our system. The POC wallet granted has a certain value and is used within a specified period of time depending on the company's policy. After the validity period expires, you can request to extend the POC wallet's usage period or pay an additional fee to maintain the service.
Once we confirm that we have provided a POC wallet to your account, to use the POC wallet please follow the instructions below:
Create a trial project
Currently, with region HCM04 we do not support you to create trial project. This feature will be developed in the next versions.
Last updated