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Last updated
On region HCM04, you can use 4 types of accounts to access vStorage. Details of these 4 types include:
Root User Account: Is the first account to access VNG Cloud with full access to all resource services on VNG Cloud.
IAM User Account, Service Account: Is an account created from the single Root user account with access rights depending on the access policy set from the Root user account.
S3 keys: Is a pair of s3 keys with access key and secret key integrated by vStorage for compatibility with S3 client tools such as s3cmd, s3 SDK,...
Refer to the table below to get an overview of how accounts work on vStorage:
Root User Account
vStorage Portal
Initialize for the first time when using the service on VNG Cloud
Full rights on project and bucket
IAM User Account
vStorage Portal
IAM Portal
No access to any resources yet
Yes, permissions via IAM Policy
Yes, permissions via Bucket Policy
Service Account
vStorage API
IAM Portal
No access to any resources yet
Yes, permissions via IAM Policy
Yes, permissions via Bucket Policy
S3 keys
3rd party software
vStorage Portal
Depends on account creation
Yes, permissions depend on the type of user that created the S3 key