API developers

API is an abbreviation for Application Programming Interface, which is a method of connecting with other libraries and applications. When working with APIs, you may need to work with mechanisms or objects such as API key, HTTPS, TLS, CORS, etc. Below, we briefly describe these mechanisms or objects.

What is API Key?

  • It is a key transmitted by computers calling an API to identify the calling program, developer, or user to the website. API keys are used to track and control API usage.

  • API keys usually function as a unique identifier and secret token for authentication and often have an associated access level on the linked API.

  • API keys can be based on a universally unique identifier (UUID) system to ensure they are unique for each user.

What is HTTPs?

HTTPS is an abbreviation for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure, which is a combination of the HTTP protocol and the SSL or TLS security protocol that allows for secure information exchange over the internet.

What is TLS?

TLS is a protocol for encrypting data transmission over the internet, by encrypting the data transmitted between the client and server, it can prevent eavesdropping, tampering, and replay attacks.

What is CORS?

CORS is an abbreviation for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing, which is a mechanism that allows different resources of a web page to be requested from a different domain than its own.

API type

In addition to the vStorage Portal and 3rd party software that vStorage supports you to integrate, we also provide you with a list of APIs that meet your needs for accessing vStorage resources, including:

  • vStorage API

  • vStorage Swift REST API

Learn how to use the vStorage S3 API and vStorage Swift API in detail on each corresponding page.

Last updated