Create a repository

Refer to the following instructions to create your Repository.

How to create a Repository

  1. On the Container Registry homepage, click on the "Repository" menu on the right side to access the list of Repositories. Click the "Create a repository" button to start creating a new Repository.

  2. A "Create Repository" popup will appear, allowing you to fill in the following information:

  • Repository name (optional): The name of the Repository. If you don't enter a name, the system will automatically generate one. Note that the name, whether entered or automatically generated, will be prefixed with your {AccountID}, corresponding to your VNG Cloud account.

  • Access level: The accessibility of the Repository (Public or Private).

    • Public: Repositories where users can freely pull (download) or push (upload) images without needing a Repository User.

    • Private: Repositories where users must provide credentials (username/password) to access and manage the images stored in this Repository.

  • Quota Limit: The maximum storage capacity that the Repository can hold. For example, if you enter 20GB, your Repository can only store up to 20GB. However, you can change this limit later according to your needs after the initial creation.

  1. Click "Create" to complete the creation process.

  2. Check the information of the newly created Repository in the list.

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