[Rclone] Mount vStorage as Local Drive on Linux
To Mount vStorage to Local Drive on Linux using Rclone, follow these instructions:
1. Download and Install Rclone
With CentOS 7:
For other OS: you can refer to the download link at: https://downloads.rclone.org/v1.55.1/
Note: If your rclone is using an old version < 1.50 (To check the version, use the command rclone version ), you should download the new rclone version in the following way:
If you install by script:
If you install from OS repo, you can:
Then, you download and install the new version as instructed above.
2. Create a certificate file rclone.conf
Create the rclone.conf file according to the template below, you can get the access_key_id and secret_access_key information at vStorage Portal:
Before mounting, you check the connection to vStorage using rclone's lsd command with the syntax:
If you have used vStorage before, you will see buckets containing the files you have uploaded.
3. Perform mount
To mount, use the command with the following syntax:
In there:
bucket_name : the name of the bucket you will backup files to on vStorage. (If it doesn't exist, rclone will automatically generate it). Note, you should set a different name from the existing buckets.
mount_point : the area to mount on your local.
For example: you want to mount a bucket named backup at the path /backup on your local machine:
The mounting process will take a while to complete. (About 3 minutes).
To test whether the mount process is complete or not, you can create a file in the mount area above:
Example: touch /backup/abc
Wait a moment for the data sync process to take place (depending on the size of your file, this process will be fast or slow).
To check if the sync process was successful, use rclone's ls command to check:
For example:
To unmount, use the following command:
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