Overview of features
vCloudStack is a hybrid cloud service designed to manage and extend VNG Cloud's infrastructure, services, and APIs to customers' premises. By providing local access to VNG Cloud's managed infrastructure, vCloudStack allows customers to build and operate on-premises applications using the same programming interfaces as in VNG Cloud, while using local resources and storage to reduce latency and meet local data processing needs.
Therefore, vCloudStack has the same basic features and characteristics as the service features that VNG Cloud's vServer is providing.
From this hybrid cloud model, VNG Cloud's vCloudStack provides the following features that you can use:
Initialize virtual server (VM);
Create virtual server from Backup file;
Create virtual server from Snapshot file;
Create virtual server from Image file;
Resize server;
Update Security Group for Virtual Server;
Turn off/on or restart the virtual server (Shutdown or Start or Reboot);
Create Image from virtual server;
Create backup file from virtual server;
Create Volume drive (encrypted or unencrypted);
Restore with Snapshot file;
Expand Volume capacity;
Attach/Deattach or Delete Volume
Initialize LB with Network or Application type
Create listener on created LB;
Create Policy and Pool for LB;
Adjust LB configuration (Resize);
Double the new LB set;
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