User-agent Parser


User-agent Parser is a suite that analyzes and identifies information about the browser, operating system, device, manufacturer, and version of the user accessing a website or application. User-agent parser uses a character string called user-agent to identify the user.

Configure User-agent Parser

To configure User-agent Parser, follow the instructions below:

  1. In the Processor information section , enter general information for a processor according to the instructions in Processor . In this content, you will choose Processor type as User-agent Parser .

  2. In the Parsing rule section , enter the following information:

  • Enter Source field : field containing logs that will need to be parsed.

  • Enter Target field : field will be overwritten in destination log project, normally you will not need to enter this information.

For example:

Source log project

Destination log project

user_agent (field logs that we parser)

Parser result



"user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.11; rv:45.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/45.0"

"user_agent_parse": { "os_minor": "11", "name": "Firefox", "version": "45.0", "major": "45", "os_full": "Mac OS X 10.11", "os": "Mac OS X", "os_version": "10.11", "os_name": "Mac OS X", "device": "Mac", "minor": "0", "os_major": "10" },

Store and reuse Parsing rules

  • You can store a parsing rule by checking Save this rule , then entering a memorable name for the parsing rule you want to store. The mnemonic name has a minimum length of 5 characters, a maximum length of 255 characters and can only include upper and lower case letters (az, AZ), numbers (0-9), and dots (.), space ( ), underscore (_), hyphen (-), and the @ character.

  • After the parsing rule has been stored, in subsequent processor creations you can reuse this rule by selecting Rule presets in the Pasing rule section.

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