Interconnect Features

You can choose to connect directly to VNG Cloud through the following types of Interconnect connections:

Interconnect Connection Types

Multi-Cloud Interconnect

A networking solution applied when customers utilize services from various cloud computing providers. This enables organizations to leverage and share resources from multiple providers easily and flexibly. At VNG Cloud, we support flexible and diverse connections to other cloud providers such as AWS. This helps our customers leverage the benefits of multiple cloud platforms they use.

Hybrid Cloud Interconnect

This service connects an enterprise's infrastructure at different geographical locations (on-premises) with the customer's infrastructure on VNG Cloud. It allows the integration of a cloud environment into the existing network system to create a hybrid architecture, optimizing resource utilization and providing the best performance for applications and services. Interconnect is particularly useful when organizations want to maintain data and applications in an on-premises environment to retain security control, while also using cloud services to expand and enhance flexibility.

VPN Interconnect

VPN establishment service on the Interconnect platform helps establish secure connections between different VPN virtual private networks across cloud environments and your working infrastructure. The goal of this service is to create a secure, private network environment to ensure safety and security during data transmission between different networks. VPN Interconnect is a good choice to protect important information and maintain privacy.

Last updated