What is vMonitor Platform?
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vMonitor Platform provides comprehensive solutions for collecting, analyzing, and alerting on metrics, logs, and synthetic data from VNG Cloud, other clouds, or on-premise environments. This information helps you understand how your servers/applications are performing and proactively identify any issues they may encounter.
vMonitor Platform provides three main service groups: Metric, Log, Synthetic
vMonitor Metric is a service that continuously monitors the performance of all resources in an enterprise system in real-time. Built for users, developers, operations engineers, and IT managers, vMonitor Metric tracks resources on VNG Cloud infrastructure or any other location. It provides a unified view of system health, enabling the collection of metrics and information for monitoring, optimizing, setting up alerts, and notifications in case of incidents.
vMonitor Log is a service that helps collect log data from servers, applications, or devices within an enterprise's system in real time. vMonitor Log is designed for users, developers, operations engineers, or IT managers to store, search, analyze, and quickly troubleshoot collected log data.
vMonitor Synthetic là một tập các điều kiện và cấu hình mà giúp khác bạn chủ động theo dõi các dịch vụ quan trọng nhất của mình để chúng luôn sẵn sàng mọi lúc và mọi nơi. Synthetic API Test hỗ trợ nhiều giao thức như TCP, HTTP(s), Ping.
We provide you with leading solutions including:
Collect Metrics and Logs from servers and applications on VNG Cloud, other Clouds, or on-premises environments.
Proactively monitor critical applications, services, and servers' availability with Synthetic.
Retrieve and analyze log data with Log Search.
Set up alerts and notification channels for incidents.
Store long-term data on vStorage.