Auto Scaling
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Auto Scaling allows vLB to automatically adjust the number of Slaves based on traffic, optimizing performance and costs. Auto Scaling helps you:
Optimize performance: Ensure vLB always has enough resources to handle traffic, avoiding overload.
Cost savings: Automatically reduce the number of LBs when traffic is low, or increase the number of LBs when traffic increases, helping you save and optimize costs in the best way.
Simplified management: No need to manually monitor and scale vLBs.
Auto Scaling can only be enabled when initializing the vLB and cannot be disabled afterwards. If you initialize the LoadBalancer via the vLB Portal, select the option: Enable auto scaling .
If your LoadBalancer is automatically initialized through the VKS system, please add the annotation true
when creating the LoadBalancer or Ingress service with the vngcloud Class. Updating this annotation after the LoadBalancer has been created will not have any effect. For example:
Policy based on percentage of active connections compared to max connection limit.
Scaling out:
When reaching 80% active connection/max connection threshold for 3 consecutive minutes, the system will automatically add 1 LB member.
Scaling in:
When the threshold drops below 20% active connection/max connection for 3 consecutive minutes, the system will automatically delete 1 LB member.
Resize disabled: For vLBs with Auto Scaling enabled, you cannot change the service plan (resize) manually.
Scaling Status: During the process of scaling up or down the LB, the status of the LB will change from "Active" to "Scaling in/Scaling out". Once completed, the status will return to "Active".
Scaling Time: The time to scale up or down a Slave role LB is about 5-10 minutes, from the time the connection exceeds the allowed threshold, depending on the number of listeners of that LB.
CNAME resolution : For LBs with auto scale enabled, the system will automatically create a domain name for the LB cluster according to the template lb_name-{userid}.{region}
. After that, the user needs to proactively update the CNAME record to point the private domain name to the LB domain name. When there is a change in the number of slave LBs (scale up/down), the system will automatically update the DNS record corresponding to the LB domain name.
Visit LB detail page.
Select the "Scale History" tab to view the history of scaling up/down and the current number of LB members. The meaning of the information fields is explained as follows:
Event type: Scale in or Scale out action
Adjustment number: The number of member LBs that will change. For example, Adjustment number is 1, Event type is Scale out, then this Scale out action will scale 1 more member LB into the LB cluster.
Total number: Number of LBs after scaling
Scale at: Time to complete the scaling process.