Before installing the agent on the operating systems we support below, you need to download the certificate according to the instructions at Initialize Certificate . The download file will contain the certificates used to authenticate with the vMonitor Logs system. Use this information with the instructions below to complete Agent for Log setup.
Determine the type of agent you want to install and follow that agent's instructions below:
Copy the files user.cer.pem, user.key.pem, from the certificate folder to the extracted filebeat folder. Let's say below we have extracted filebeat into a folderC:\filebeat-8.7.1-windows-x86_64
Manually run the command below with PowerShell
cd C:\filebeat-8.7.1-windows-x86_64
.\filebeat.exe -c .\filebeat.yml
In which: In the filebeat.yml file, we have set up the example in the download certificate folder as below to push the content of file C:\agent.log to the system.