View rack layout

Know the exact location of the device on the rack, the devices are distinguished by different colors according to the type of device: Server, Network device, Data panel, Shelf, and Other (other device types).

In the rack layout page, you can:

View the ownership status of Rack Units

Allows you to distinguish Rack Units by their ownership status:

  • Unused: Rack units owned by you but have no equipment installed on them.

  • Reserved: Rack units reserved for you.

  • Occupied: Rack units owned by other customers.

  • Available: Rack units not reserved or rented by anyone.

View Rack Overview Information

You can view an overview of each Rack in this interface, including:

  • Rack location: Site, Floor, Room, Cage.

  • RU height: The height of the cabinet in U.

  • Used/Free Front/Rear RU: The number of used/free RUs.

  • Power information (R/B/M), where:

    • R = Rated power, the design power of the rack.

    • B = Budgeted power, the allowed power of the rack.

    • M = Measured power, the instantaneous measured power of the rack.

  • Instantaneous temperature and humidity information.

  • Max load (kg): The load capacity (weight) of the rack.

  • Total weight (kg): The total weight of the equipment placed on the rack.

  • Total device: The total number of devices currently placed on the rack.

View rPDU Parameters

You can view the parameters of each rPDU according to their installation location (L1, L2, L3, R1, R2, R3).

  • rPDU ID: The identifier of the rPDU.

  • rPDU type: The type of rPDU (1PH: 1 phase, 3PH: 3 phases).

  • Vendor: The manufacturer's name.

  • Model: The model of the rPDU.

  • Rack: The rack containing the rPDU.

  • Position: The position of the rPDU in the rack (L1, L2, L3, R1, R2, R3).

  • Statistics on the number of power sockets on the rPDU: total/free (total number of sockets/number of unused sockets).

  • Power parameters of the rPDU:

    • Power (R/B/M) (kW): Rated/Budgeted/Measured.

    • V (R/B/M): Rated/Allowed/Measured voltage.

    • PF (R/B/M): Rated/Allowed/Measured power factor.

    • I (R/B/M): Rated/Allowed/Measured current.

Search for equipment installation location by serial number

You can easily locate the equipment on the rack by using the search function by Serial number of the device.


Some information will not be displayed for racks rented individually by Rack Unit.

Features in Space list:

  • View rack layout: View the layout of equipment on the rack.

  • View details: View detailed information of the rack.

  • Filter list: Filter the list of racks, rack units, and cages.

Last updated