Release notes
Mar 5, 2025
VKS (VNGCloud Kubernetes Service) has just released the latest update, bringing many new features to users. Here are the highlights of the update:
New features:
Support Container-Optimized OS with containerd for HCM region – Previously, VKS only supported Ubuntu with containerd . Now, customers can use Container-Optimized OS with containerd as the node group image for node groups when deploying Kubernetes version v1.29.1, v1.30.5 in HCM region.
Feb 27, 2025
VKS (VNGCloud Kubernetes Service) has just released the latest update, bringing many new features to users. Here are the highlights of the update:
New features:
Fleet management : allows grouping Kubernetes clusters across multiple zones/regions , helping to flexibly manage traffic between clusters. This feature supports:
North-South Traffic Management with Global Load Balancer (GLB) : Manage inbound/outbound traffic between clusters. Supports Calico Overlay, Cilium Overlay, and Cilium VPC Native .
East-West Traffic Management with Multi Cluster Service (MCS) : Manage internal traffic between clusters, only supports Cilium VPC Native .
For details, please refer to the user manual here .
Jan 20, 2025
VKS (VNGCloud Kubernetes Service) has just released the latest update, bringing many new features to users. Here are the highlights of the update:
New features:
Support Container-Optimized OS with containerd for BKK zone – Previously, VKS only supported Ubuntu with containerd . Now, customers can use Container-Optimized OS with containerd as the node group image for node groups when deploying Kubernetes version v1.29.1, v1.30.5 in BKK zone.
Jan 2, 2025
VKS (VNGCloud Kubernetes Service) has just released the latest update, bringing many new features to users. Here are the highlights of the update:
New features:
Kubernetes v1.30 Support: This version is in Release Channel: Rapid , for testing purposes. VKS does not commit to an SLA for this version.
Container-Optimized OS with containerd support for HAN region – Previously, VKS only supported Ubuntu with containerd . Now, customers can use Container-Optimized OS with containerd as the node group image for node groups when deploying Kubernetes v1.29.1 , v1.30.5 in HAN region.
Upgrade Insight – Provides detailed information about Kubernetes version upgrades, helping users assess risk, impact, and plan upgrades effectively.
Dec 5, 2024
VKS (VNGCloud Kubernetes Service) has just released the latest update, bringing many new features to users. Here are the highlights of the update:
New features:
Force-Upgrade, Auto-Upgrade : Automatically upgrade the Kubernetes version for the cluster/node group on schedule or when the current version is about to expire. For more details, please refer here .
Oct 23, 2024
VKS (VNGCloud Kubernetes Service) has just released the latest update, bringing many improvements to users. Here are the highlights of the update:
Support POC/ Stop POC for Cluster : Users can now perform POC/ Stop POC for resources on VKS such as Server, Volume, Load Balancer, Endpoint. This feature brings high flexibility to users who want to experience VKS. For more details, please refer here .
Upgrade VNGCloud BlockStorage CSI Driver Plugin: Bugs discovered in previous versions have been fixed, making the system run smoother and more reliably.
Freely choose/edit configuration with/without using VNGCloud LoadBalancer Controller plugin, VNGCloud LoadBalancer Controller plugin on existing VKS cluster: The ability to customize plugin configuration allows users to optimize the VKS cluster according to their specific needs. This helps increase flexibility and meet the special requirements of each application.
Additionally, in this update, we have also fixed some minor bugs to provide a better user experience.
Oct 03, 2024
VKS (VNGCloud Kubernetes Service) has just released its latest update, bringing many features and improvements to users. Here are the highlights of the update:
New Region:
In addition to Region HCM03, VKS now supports Region HAN01. This addition gives customers more options in deploying applications, especially useful for businesses with data location requirements.
New features:
Network Type: Cilium Overlay, Cilium VPC Native Routing: In addition to Calico Overlay, this release we have added two new network types: Cilium Overlay and Cilium VPC Native Routing. Cilium Overlay allows you to build flexible overlay networks, while Cilium VPC Native Routing integrates tightly with VNG Cloud's VPC, optimizing performance and security for your applications. For more details, please refer here .
Multiple Subnets for Clusters on VKS: VKS now supports using multiple subnets for a cluster. This allows you to configure each node group in the cluster to be located on different subnets within the same VPC, optimizing resource allocation and network management.
Edit Labels/Taints on an existing VKS cluster: With the ability to directly edit Labels/Taints on a deployed VKS cluster, you can control Pod scheduling, apply different policies to Node Groups, and customize node selection rules for applications. This helps manage and classify resources more efficiently.
Enable/Disable Private Service Endpoint usage option: Previously, when creating a private cluster on VKS, creating a private service endpoint was required. Now, you can easily enable/disable this feature, allowing services in the VKS cluster to communicate via internal IP addresses, enhancing security and minimizing the risk of external attacks.
Enable/Disable Volume Encryption Option: Volume encryption feature allows you to protect sensitive data stored in the Persistent Volumes of the VKS cluster. This ensures data security and compliance with information protection regulations. Now, you can enable/disable encryption for each Volume as needed.
Aug 28, 2024
VKS (VNGCloud Kubernetes Service) introduces the latest update to the existing VKS, bringing many new features to users. Here are the details about the update:
New features:
Private Cluster: Previously, public clusters on VKS were using Public IP addresses to communicate between nodes and the control plane. To improve the security of your cluster, we have launched the private cluster model. The Private Cluster feature helps your K8S cluster to be as secure as possible, all connections are completely private from the connection between the nodes to the control plane, the connection from the client to the control plane, or the connection from the nodes to other products and services in VNG Cloud such as: vStorage, vCR, vMonitor, VNGCloud APIs,... Private Cluster is the ideal choice for services that require strict access control, ensuring compliance with regulations on security and data privacy. For details on the two operating models of Cluster, you can refer to here and refer to the steps to create a private Cluster here .
Aug 26, 2024
VKS (VNGCloud Kubernetes Service) introduces the latest update for VKS, bringing numerous new improvements for users. Here are the details of the update:
Kubernetes Version: VKS has added new images to optimize the size, features, and network compared to the old images. The creation of these images also aims to serve both Public and Private clusters that VKS is about to launch. Specifically, in this release, we have added the following images:
Chú ý:
Để khởi tạo một Private Cluster, bạn cần chọn sử dụng một trong 3 image mới này. Đối với Public Cluster, bạn có thể chọn sử dụng bất kỳ image cũ hoặc mới tùy theo nhu cầu của bạn.
Aug 13, 2024
VKS (VNGCloud Kubernetes Service) introduces the latest update to the existing VKS, bringing many new improvements to users. Here are the details about the update:
Event History: VKS has added events for Auto Scaling and Auto Healing. Now, with Event History, you can track every change occurring within your Cluster, from automatic scaling to automatic healing. These events enhance your ability to monitor and manage your Kubernetes cluster.
Aug 01, 2024
VKS (VNGCloud Kubernetes Service) introduces the latest update to the already available VKS, bringing many new features and improvements to users. Here are the details about the update:
New feature:
VKS resource monitoring: Users can directly monitor the operating status of Cluster, Node, CPU usage, RAM, Memory,... status of Node through intuitive dashboards. To display data on the dashboard, users need to install it
on the cluster where they want to perform monitoring. For more details, refer here .
July 25, 2024
VKS (VNGCloud Kubernetes Service) introduces the latest update to the existing VKS, bringing many new improvements to users. Here are the details about the update:
Upgrade VKS management through Terraform: Users can simultaneously adjust the number of nodes and change the number of nodes for autoscale (Minimum/ Maximum node Autoscale) right during the configuration editing process. With the ability to adjust multiple parameters at the same time, managing a Kubernetes cluster becomes more flexible and convenient. For more details, see examples here .
July 23, 2024
VKS (VNGCloud Kubernetes Service) introduces the latest update to the existing VKS, bringing many new improvements to users. Here are the details about the update:
Upgrade VNGCloud LoadBalancer Controller Plugin, VNGCloud LoadBalancer Controller Plugin: Errors discovered in previous versions have been fixed, helping the system operate smoother and more reliably.
July 18, 2024
VKS (VNGCloud Kubernetes Service) introduces the latest update to the existing VKS, bringing many new improvements to users. Here are the details about the update:
Upgrade VNGCloud BlockStorage CSI Driver Plugin: Errors discovered in previous versions have been fixed, helping the system operate smoother and more reliably.
July 17, 2024
VKS (VNGCloud Kubernetes Service) introduces the latest update to the already available VKS, bringing many improvements to users. Here are the details about the update:
Private Node Group : The MTU for Nodes belonging to the Private Node Group has been updated to 1450. This improves network performance for applications running in the Private Node Group.
Number of nodes and AutoScale : You can now edit both of these properties in the same API. This simplifies your Cluster management.
July 02, 2024
VKS (VNGCloud Kubernetes Service) introduces the latest update to the already available VKS, bringing many new features and improvements to users. Here are the details about the update:
New feature:
Stop POC support for Cluster : Users can now easily perform Stop POC for all resources being POC on a Cluster, instead of having to perform Stop POC individually for each resource. This helps save time and effort when moving Cluster from test resources to real resources. For more details, refer here .
Node Group status : Added " Degraded " status so users can monitor the operating status of the Node Group more accurately. This status will display when the number of active nodes is less than the actual number of replicas.
Timeout for Cluster and Node Group : Added timeout for Cluster and Node Group creation, this improvement ensures VKS operates smoothly and efficiently, while providing clear and timely information to users. use. Timeout for Cluster creation is 1 hour and for Node Group is 3 hours . If after this time your Cluster or Node Group has not been successfully created, we will update their status to ERROR. At this point, you can delete and create another Cluster or Node Group instead.
KubeConfig Access: Access to the KubeConfig file is now only allowed when the Cluster is Active. This improvement helps users avoid configuration errors when using Terraform to automate Kubernetes deployments.
June 27, 2024
VKS (VNGCloud Kubernetes Service) introduces the latest update to the existing VKS, bringing many new improvements to users. Here are the details about the update:
Upgrade VNGCloud LoadBalancer Controller Plugin, VNGCloud LoadBalancer Controller Plugin: Errors discovered in previous versions have been fixed, helping the system operate smoother and more reliably.
June 19, 2024
VKS (VNGCloud Kubernetes Service) introduces the latest update to the existing VKS, bringing many new improvements to users. Here are the details about the update:
Upgrade PVC size setting feature (Persistent Volume Claim Size): Users can now specify the minimum size for CSI drives to be 1GB instead of the minimum size of 20GB as before. For more details, you can refer to Volume and Integrate with Container Storage Interface .
Change the default Storage Class used for Cluster: change the default from SSD type drives - IOPS 200 to the default SSD type drives - IOPS 3000.
Upgrade VNGCloud LoadBalancer Controller Plugin, VNGCloud LoadBalancer Controller Plugin: plugin improvements help avoid duplicate Load Balancer naming.
Because the old default Storage Class has been removed from the system, if you want to continue using and resize this storage class, you can:
Create a Storage Class named sc-iops-200-retain with the Volume Type you desire.
Resize Storage Class via command:
For more details, refer to Integrate with Container Storage Interface .
June 12, 2024
VKS (VNGCloud Kubernetes Service) introduces the latest update to the already available VKS, bringing many new features and improvements to users. Here are the details about the update:
New feature:
Support users working with VKS through Terraform: Users can easily create Clusters and Node Groups in VKS using Terraform. For more details, refer here .
Upgrade VNGCloud LoadBalancer Controller Plugin: Add Annotation to configure Load Balancer to support Proxy Protocol. For more details, refer here .
May 30, 2024
We are extremely pleased to announce that the official release ( General Availability ) of VNGCloud Kubernetes Service is available. With this official release, in addition to the features we have provided on previous releases, this version will bring many new features and improvements to users. Here are the details about the update:
New feature:
Re-activate: VKS allows you to request the system to automatically re-initialize the default IAM Service Account when you mistakenly delete or change previously created default IAM Service Account information. The default IAM Service Account is the IAM Service Account that is automatically created by the VKS system when you start working with VKS. We will use this IAM Service Account to initialize resources for your Cluster.
Event History : VKS will display the history of events that occur when users work with the Cluster or each Node Group. This will be a way to help you monitor activities occurring with your Cluster, thereby limiting unusual activities from occurring.
Volume : VKS has integrated the display of the Volume list at the Resource Tab, helping you easily manage the Volumes that are attached to your Cluster.
Load Balancer : VKS has integrated the display of the Load Balancer list in the Resource Tab, helping you easily manage the Load Balancers being used for your Cluster.
Performance : VKS has optimized performance when initializing the Cluster. Specifically, in the Alpha version, the time from the start of Cluster initialization (with Default Node Group) to the time the Cluster switches to ACTIVE state is about 04:00s to 04:30s. Currently, this time has been optimized by us to 02:30s to 03:00s depending on each Cluster and each time you initialize.
Garbage collection of unused containers and images : VKS will automatically delete unused images when the disk reaches the usage limit (usage/quota ratio >= 85%).
In addition , this GA version has improved a few other issues such as:
Changing the Node Name helps you easily use and manage your Cluster. Specifically, the Node Name will have additional information: Cluster Name , Node Group Name .
Delete User Builder on User's Worker Node.
Change SSH mechanism from Port 22 to Port 234.
If you encounter any problems with this official release, please contact VKS support for assistance.
May 03, 2024
The latest update for VKS is available, bringing many new features and improvements to users. Here are the details about the update:
New feature:
Supports Whitelist feature: VKS allows creating a Private Node Group with only Private IP and also allows any IP to connect to the Cluster through the Whitelist IP feature. For more details, please refer to Whitelist .
System optimization: Helps the system operate more smoothly and efficiently.
Bug Fixes: Fixed some minor bugs to provide a better user experience.
If you encounter any problems after updating, please contact VKS support for assistance.
April 17, 2024
We're excited to introduce a new update to the VKS service, giving you a more powerful and efficient Kubernetes management experience than ever before!
Fully Managed control plane: VKS will free you from the burden of managing Kubernetes' Control Plane, helping you focus on application development.
Supports the latest versions of Kubernetes: VKS always updates the latest versions of Kubernetes (minor versions from 1.27, 1.28, 1.29) to ensure you always take advantage of the most advanced features.
Kubernetes Networking: VKS integrates Calico CNI, providing high efficiency and security.
Upgrade seamlessly: VKS supports upgrading between Kubernetes versions easily and quickly, helping you stay up to date with the latest improvements.
Scaling & Healing Automatically: VKS automatically expands the Node group when necessary and automatically fixes errors when the node has problems, helping you save time and effort on management.
Reduce costs and improve reliability: VKS deploys Control Plane of Kubernetes in high availability mode and is completely free, helping you save costs and improve system reliability.
Blockstore Native (Container Storage Interface - CSI) integration: VKS allows you to manage Blockstore through Kubernetes' YAML, providing persistent storage for containers and supporting important features such as resizing, IOPS scaling and snapshot volumes.
Integrate Load Balancer (Network Load Balancer, Application Load Balancer) through built-in drivers such as VNGCloud Controller Mananger, VNGCloud LoadBalancer Controller: VKS provides the ability to manage NLB/ALB through YAML of Kubernetes, making it easy for you expose Service in Kubernetes to the outside.
Enhance security: VKS allows you to create a Private Node Group with only Private IP and control access to the cluster through the IP Whitelist feature, ensuring the safety of your system.
With these breakthrough features, VKS promises to bring you a completely new Kubernetes management experience, helping you optimize efficiency and save costs!
Please contact us for further advice and support!
Last updated