

In addition to Dashboard, vCDN System is providing Report feature , allowing customers to track and analyze their CDN usage history. Reports are updated with data frequency up to day N-1 (current day is N).


Statistical information in the report includes:

  • Key information:

    • CDN : Includes customer-owned resources such as Web Accelerator, Object Download, Video on Demand (VoD), Live Stream, and Live Entrypoint.

    • Group Type : Classify the service package the customer is using (Basic, Standard, Pro, Enterprise).

    • Traffic Type : Distinguish transmission traffic, including:

      • Domestic : Domestic traffic.

      • International : International traffic.

  • Detailed data:

    • Daily Traffic : Traffic is counted from 07:00 day N-2 to 07:00 day N-1 .

    • Total CDN's Traffic : Total traffic through all of the customer's CDN resources during the filter period.

  • Multi-day options:

    • Customers can use filters to view reports for one or more past days as desired.

Steps to follow

Step 1: Access vCDN Portal at

Step 2: Select Report to view the report. The data includes statistical information as stated in the details section.

Step 3: You can filter according to the conditions:

  • Service : Service type.

  • CDN : Select specific resource.

  • Traffic Type : Domestic or International.

  • Group : Service package.

  • Timeframe: Select the reporting period.

Step 4: Click on the Excel icon to export the report to an Excel file for storage or further analysis.

Last updated