
Load Balancers play a crucial role in managing and distributing network traffic, making them a critical component of your system. Prioritizing security for your Load Balancers is paramount to safeguarding your infrastructure from potential threats. Here are some security considerations and features/services that VNG Cloud provides to help you implement robust security for your Load Balancer infrastructure:

  1. Access Control: Restrict access to the configuration and management interface of your Load Balancers. Utilize strong authentication and authorization methods such as:

    • Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Refer to "Setting Up Two-Factor Authentication."

    • Restricting access to authorized personnel only: Refer to "Identity and Access Management (IAM)."

  2. Regular Updates and Patching:

    • VNG Cloud recommends that you always pay attention to new updates for Load Balancers.

    • Updates will include feature enhancements, security improvements, and UI/UX improvements.

  3. Encryption:

    • Use encryption methods like SSL/TLS to protect data transmitted through the Load Balancer. This ensures sensitive information is safeguarded from eavesdropping and interception. These features are supported in VNG Cloud's Load Balancer service. Learn more at:

      • Enabling sticky sessions: Enable sticky session

      • Enabling TLS encryption: Enable TLS encryption

  4. Monitoring and Logging:

    • Implement comprehensive monitoring and logging mechanisms to track traffic patterns, detect anomalies, and identify potential security breaches in a timely manner. Learn more at:

      • Monitoring Load Balancers: Monitor your load balancers

  5. Firewall Rules:

    • Configure firewall rules and access controls to filter incoming and outgoing traffic. Create rules to allow only necessary traffic through the Load Balancer. VNG Cloud also provides features to support access control and filtering by:

      • Setting up request conditions and traffic routing: Listener Policies

      • Allowing access only from predefined source IP addresses: Configuring IP Whitelists for Load Balancers

  6. Regular Security Audits:

    • Conduct periodic security checks and assessments to evaluate the security posture of your Load Balancers and identify areas for improvement.

    • The VNG Cloud team regularly conducts security checks on your services/resources to ensure confidentiality and information security.

    • VNG Cloud also recommends that you proactively conduct regular security checks on the services/resources you are using on VNG Cloud.

By paying attention to these security measures, you can significantly enhance the protection of your Load Balancers and strengthen your overall network security.

Last updated