Experience with Billing & Payment

Use this guide to get started with the Billing & Payment system. You will have an overview of the main features that the system is processing, thereby understanding more about the system's behavior on each resource/service.

Here, we divide the system into 3 main functional groups:

  • Payment: Processing tasks related to Resource payment, Bill payment, Linking payment gateway outside VNG Cloud wallet, etc.

  • Invoice management: Recording user actions on resources, thereby recording new invoices for the corresponding resources on each specific action (creating new, changing configurations, renewing, etc.)

  • Resource lifecycle management: Effectively controlling the resource lifecycle and notifying users of expiring resources, automatic renewal,... helping users make timely decisions to ensure a seamless resource usage experience.

Overview of the process of creating and paying for resources for the VNG Cloud Service users

  • Step 1: Configure resources

    • 1.1 Access the vServer, vStorage, vMonitor product page.

    • 1.2 Choose the resource and configuration to use on the product page.

    • 1.3 Confirm the use of resources to proceed to payment: Here, the system will redirect users to the resource payment page.

  • Step 2: Pay for resources

    • 2.1 Choose the quantity of resources and usage time.

    • 2.2 Enter applicable Coupons (if any).

    • 2.3 Confirm payment: Here, we support users to pay with the following methods: Using Credit balance Top up & Pay Via linked account.

    • 2.4 Payment successful: The system will redirect users to the previous product page (at step 1).

  • Step 3: Check resource and payment information

Note: The above is a reference guide for prepaid users, there will be some differences for postpaid users. Refer to details at: Prepaid & Postpaid users.

Related Topics

  • Prepaid & Postpaid users

  • Payment

  • Invoice management

  • Resource lifecycle management

Last updated