Project naming rules

Rule for naming a project

The following rules apply to naming a project in vStorage:

  • The project name must be between 1 (minimum) and 40 (maximum) characters long.

  • The project name can only include uppercase letters, lowercase letters (a-z, A-Z), numbers (0-9), dots (.), spaces ( ), underscores (_), hyphens (-), and the @ symbol.

  • The project name should not contain sensitive information (such as IP addresses, account names, login passwords, etc.).

  • The project name must be unique within a VNG Cloud account, either within or outside a region, until the project is deleted. We recommend using the name of your business project or product as the name for the project stored in vStorage.


  • The following examples of project names are valid and adhere to the suggested naming rules:\

    • project du an 1

    • du-an-nam-2022

    • ...

  • The following examples of project names are valid but not recommended for use:\

  • The following examples of project names are invalid:\

    • Du an dat hieu qua 80 % (chứa ký tự %)

    • project_1/2022 (chứa ký tự /)

    • ...

Last updated