
VNG Cloud provides a Certificate Manager that allows you to upload and manage your certificates. We support the management of two main types of certificates:

  1. TLS/SSL Certificates:

    • What They Are: TLS/SSL certificates are digital documents that contain information about a website or server's public key and identity. They are used to establish secure connections between a user's computer and a web server, ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of data transmitted over the network.

    • How They Work: TLS/SSL certificates ensure that sensitive information like passwords, personal data, and financial transactions are encrypted and protected from security threats. They also verify the authenticity of the web server, assuring users that they are visiting the correct website and not a fraudulent one.

    • Types: There are various types of TLS/SSL certificates, including free certificates, self-signed certificates, and certificates issued by trusted Certificate Authorities (CAs).

  2. CA Certificates (Certificate Authority):

    • What They Are: A Certificate Authority (CA) is an organization or company responsible for issuing, validating, and managing TLS/SSL certificates. CAs are trusted third parties that verify the identity of entities requesting TLS/SSL certificates.

    • How They Work: CA certificates authenticate the identity of websites and servers by signing and issuing TLS/SSL certificates. They ensure that the information within the TLS/SSL certificate is authentic and secure.

    • Trustworthiness: Major CAs are widely trusted and recognized by web browsers and computer systems. When a website uses a TLS/SSL certificate issued by a CA, browsers display a padlock icon or website verification, establishing trust for users.

3. Uploading Certificates

To learn how to upload different types of certificates, please refer to the "Upload a certificate" guide.

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