Bước 3: Create Job backup

After initializing the Repository, you will proceed to create an automatic backup job to vStorage. Creating a backup job allows you to set up a regular automatic backup to the storage (repository). If you create a job running on a Scale-out Repository, it means that running the job can backup to multiple locations.

Follow these steps to create a Backup Job:

  1. In the "Inventory" section, select "Backup Job" choose the appropriate type of computer;

  2. In the "Job Mode" screen, click "Next";

  3. In the "Name" screen, you can name the Job, then click "Next";

  4. In the "Computer" screen, select the computer you want to backup, then click "Next";

  5. In the "Backup Mode" screen, select a mode then click "Next";

  • Choose "Entire Computer" to backup the entire computer, if you select this mode you can skip step 6.

  • Choose "File level backup (slower)" to backup selected files or folders, if you select this mode then proceed to step 6.

  1. In the "Object" screen, select the objects to be backed up, then click "Next";

  2. In the "Storage" screen, select the Repository, then click "Next";

  3. In the "Guest Processing" screen, deselect all options, then click "Next";

  4. In the "Schedule" screen, you can set up a periodic backup schedule, then click "Apply";

  5. In the "Summary" screen, if you choose "Run the job when I click Finish" to run the backup when the Job creation is successful, then click "Finish" to let the system create and run the synchronization job.

Installation guide video


Example: Guide to Creating a Job with Veeam Backup & Replication Version 12

Step 1: Users go to the Inventory section, select Object - Computer (infrastructure to be backed up), in this guide localhost is the Object to be backed up, then right-click on the Object to select "Add to backup job" and press "New Job".

Step 2: The New Agent Backup Job interface appears, in the Job Mode tab, the user selects the Mode "Managed by backup server", then press Next.

Step 3: In the Name tab, the user names the Job, then presses Next.

Step 4: In the Computer tab, the user can choose the computer to perform the backup. Then press Next.

Step 5: In the Backup Mode tab, the user chooses the mode "File level backup (slower)" to backup only selected files or folders, or if backing up the entire computer then choose the mode "Entire computer". Then press Next.

Step 6: If the "File level backup (slower)" mode is chosen in step 5, then the Object tab appears to select the objects to backup, the user chooses the option "The following file system objects:", then press "Add" to enter the path of the folder to backup, then press "OK" and finally press Next.

*If "Entire computer" mode is chosen in step 5, skip step 6.

Step 7: In the Storage tab, the user selects the previously created Backup Repository, then press Next. The system will check the backup file.

Step 8: After the system finishes checking, navigate to the Guest Processing tab, the user deselects the first option "Enable application-aware processing". If the user wants to ensure consistent backups for applications running on virtual servers by interacting with them and using Microsoft VSS, then it can still be enabled and Veeam will have to perform pre and post backup tasks. Then press Next.

Step 9: In the Schedule tab, the user can set the schedule to run the job automatically, if running manually then press Next.

Step 10: In the Summary tab, the user can see a summary of the Job information to be created, choose "Run the job when I click Finish" then press Finish for the system to start creating the Job.

Step 11: After the job is created, the user can check by: going to the Home section, select Jobs/Backup, select the created Job if the status is Success then the job has been created, the user can perform the backup.

Complete the process of creating a Job to backup data.

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