Create & Install App

vMarketplace offers a variety of pre-built applications that you can instantly launch and install on your vServer in just a few steps. To launch an application, follow these steps:

Step 1: Select the application name and version

Step 2: Choose an Instance type (a combination of CPU, RAM, and GPU)

Step 3: Choose Volume settings

Step 4: Choose Network settings, including the following actions:

  • Select a VPC for the application

  • Choose the priority order for the External and Internal network interfaces. Note that these interfaces will be arranged in the order you enter them.

  • Choose Security settings: Select "New security group rules" to create a new group with specific parameters for your application, or select "Existing security group" to inherit rules from an existing group.

Step 5: Choose Server Group settings

  • To enable high availability (HA) for your firewall servers, select "Dedicated SOFT ANTI AFFINITY group" to create a new server group for your firewall application, or select "Existing server group" if it already exists.

After the virtual machine has been provisioned, modify the Security Group to open the following ports for the virtual machine:

  • Access via vServer Console (from the web portal): By default, the password is left blank.

  • Configure SSH/Web access (from the web portal): By default, you will log in with a blank password, then the application will redirect you to the password change page. Please change the password immediately (leave the Old Password blank).

Note: Marketplace applications will launch within a few minutes.

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