
After a period of time when you use the Archive feature that we provide, log data will be periodically pushed to the corresponding storage you choose. If you need to search and analyze log data stored in this storage, you can bring them back using the Refill feature we provide. For maximum convenience, we recommend that you create a new Log project (short or long term depending on your needs) to process this refilled log data instead of reusing a previously created Log project. there. We will allow you to configure refill logs data to project logs that are empty and have not been configured for any previous refill operations.

To use the Refill feature, follow the instructions below:

  1. Log in to . If you don't have an account, register for free here .

  2. Select the Log folder .

  3. Select Log project.

  4. Select the Log project name that you want to perform the Refill in, the data after refilling will be stored in this Log Project.

  5. At the Log project information display screen , on the Refill tab , select Refill .

  6. Enter Refill name according to our regulations. Refill name must be from 1 (minimum) to 63 (maximum) characters long. Archive names can include uppercase letters, lowercase letters (az, AZ), numbers (0-9) or hyphens. The Archive name must begin with a letter and end with a letter or a number.

7. Select Source . The source here is the previously archived data source that you created.

Depending on where you have archived the data, you can choose 1 of 3 places where the log data is archived including: previously created archive source, vStorage container or S3 compatible .

Choose an archive

Select a previously created archive configuration in the list of existing archive configurations on the vMonitor Platform system in your current Root User account, the system will automatically fill in all the information to retrieve it. Get Logs data

Select a vStorage container

Select My container if you want to select the vStorage container owned by the account you are archiving. Or select Custom container if you want to choose a vStorage container that is not owned by the account you are archiving.

  • My containers

  1. Select a Region . If you want to review Region information and vStorage projects as well as vStorage containers you currently have on the vStorage system, please select at

  2. Select a vStorage project in the list of projects you have in the previously selected Region on the vStorage system. If the list of vStorage projects shown to you shows the correct list of projects at the current time, select it.

  3. Select a vStorage container in the list of containers you currently have in the previously selected project on the vStorage system. If the list of containers vStorage shows you shows the correct list of containers at the current time, select it.

  4. Enter the Access key and Secret key to authenticate connection information to the vStorage system. You can find the Access key and Secret key according to the instructions at Service Account and Using Service Account .

  5. Select Select .

  • Custom containers

  1. Select a Region . If you want to review Region information and vStorage projects as well as vStorage containers you currently have on the vStorage system, please select at

  2. Enter the name of the vStorage container you want to archive through.

  3. Enter the Access key and Secret key to authenticate connection information to the vStorage system. You can find the Access key and Secret key according to the instructions at Service Account and Using Service Account .

  4. Select Select .

Select an S3 compatible

8. Select Next to continue choosing refill configuration.

9. Enter Filter for log if any. You can enter filtering conditions for the log using the Suggestion mode or Editor mode method . For more information see Log search .

10. Select Time range by selectingthen select or enter the desired refill time frame.

11. If you want to change the Refill information , you can select Previous then you can make changes to the information according to your needs. If you have already configured the refill information, select Refill to begin.

12. The refill process will begin until the status โ€œFinishedโ€ is displayed. You can check the refilled data on the log search page like other log projects.

Last updated