Identity and Access Management (IAM) for vServer

Identity and access management (IAM) for virtual machines is a system for managing and controlling access to virtual machines (VMs) and their resources in a cloud computing environment. It provides a way to control who can access the virtual machine and what actions they can perform on it.

Virtual machine IAM typically includes functions such as identity management, authentication, authorization, and auditing. It allows administrators to define policies that specify who can access virtual machines and what actions they can take on virtual machines, such as starting, stopping, or modifying virtual machines.

In a cloud computing environment, IAM for virtual machines is an important security control because virtual machines are often used to store sensitive data and run business-critical applications. By controlling access to these resources, IAM for virtual machines helps ensure the security, integrity, and availability of an organization's data and services.


You need to complete the following steps to be able to use the IAM service for our vServer product:

Bước 1: Define your requirements:

  • Determine the level of access control you need for your server and resources.

  • Define the roles and responsibilities of different users or groups of users.

  • Define the permissions and privileges required for each user role or group.

Step 2: Choose the solution and plan the appropriate IAM strategy

  • Research and choose the IAM solution that meets your requirements.

  • Create a plan to deploy IAM on your servers and resources.

  • Define policies for user authentication and authorization.

Step 3: Create a user account (User account) on the system vIAM

After setting up the IAM strategy plan, you need to create a Personal User account on our IAM homepage from your Root user account for each person who needs to access the server:

  1. Visit IAM homepage: click here.

  2. Open the User account tab

  3. Select Create a user account.

  4. n the Account user name field, enter a Name for your User account. User account name must be between 5 and 50 characters long and can only contain letters, numbers, underscore (_), period (.), dash (-).

  5. Enter the password for the User account in the Account password section (The password must be between 8 and 50 characters long. The password must contain at least 1 uppercase letter, 1 lowercase letter, 1 number, and 1 special character), need to set up a password. Strong and unique password for each user account.

Step 4: Set up a Group

Next you need to create a group of people (Group) based on common roles or responsibilities:

  1. Select Create a group.

  2. Enter the Group name in the Name field (The name must be from 1 to 50 characters long and can only include letters, numbers, underscores (_), periods (.), hyphens (-) and spaces. ), then enter the note information in the Description field.

  3. Go to the next step and assign the appropriate Policy to the user account in the Policy section, then assign the appropriate user to the group in the User section, with the Users added to the group will have permissions on the selected Policy. in Group

Step 5: Define access Policies

Create an access policy that specifies what actions each user group or role can take, define detailed permissions to restrict unnecessary access, and regularly review and update access policies. Access when needed:

  1. Select Create a Policy.

  2. Enter the Group name in the Name field (The name must be from 1 to 50 characters long and can only include letters, numbers, underscores (_), periods (.), hyphens (-) and spaces. ), then enter the note information in the Description field.

  3. Go to the next step, select the vserver product in the Product section, then select the list of permissions for your policy in the Action section.

  4. Continue to select the resources you want to apply to the selected permissions in the list above in the Resource section, here you can choose to all resources or specific resources.

  5. Select the necessary conditions to exercise the above rights in the Request conditions section.

  6. Create Policy Then assign the created policies to User accounts that match the job functions or responsibilities, assign users to roles based on their job functions, thereby grouping User accounts with the same permissions in Group.

For detailed information and meanings of actions (Actions), resources (Resources), and requirements (Request conditions) to set up a complete set of access policies (Policies), please see the content at Policy configuration page

Step 6: Login to vServer by using IAM account (User account)

The final step is to use the IAM User Account to access vServer resources via the vServer portal:

  1. If you haven't signed in with this browser before, the main sign-in page will appear. Select SIGN IN WITH IAM USER ACCOUNT.

  2. Enter the email address of the Root user when registering a VNG Cloud account.

  3. Enter the username and password of the IAM user account (User account) created on the vIAM system.

  4. Select SIGN IN WITH IAM USER ACCOUNT. If you have previously signed in as an IAM user account in this browser, your browser may remember the IAM user account address. If so, you should see the screen shown in step 3. After successfully logging in with IAM user account, the main screen of vServer will show the type of user you are using to log in (Root user account or IAM user account).

Bước 7: Truy cập vào vServer sử dụng IAM account (User account)

Bước cuối cùng là sử dụng IAM User Account truy cập vào tài nguyên vServer qua vServer portal:

  1. Truy cập vào đường dẫn:

  2. Nếu trước đây bạn chưa đăng nhập bằng trình duyệt này, trang đăng nhập chính sẽ xuất hiện. Chọn ĐĂNG NHẬP VỚI IAM USER ACCOUNT.

  3. Nhập địa chỉ email của người dùng Root khi đăng ký tài khoản VNG Cloud.

  4. Nhập tên người dùngmật khẩu của tài khoản IAM user account (User account) được tạo trên hệ thống vIAM.

  5. Chọn ĐĂNG NHẬP VỚI IAM USER ACCOUNT. Nếu trước đó bạn đã đăng nhập với tư cách người dùng IAM user account trong trình duyệt này, thì trình duyệt của bạn có thể nhớ địa chỉ tài khoản IAM user account. Nếu vậy, bạn sẽ thấy màn hình hiển thị ở bước 3. Sau khi đăng nhập thành công với IAM user account, trên màn hình chính của vServer sẽ thể hiện loại user mà bạn đang sử dụng để đăng nhập (Root user account hay IAM user account). Bạn có thể truy nhập vào tài nguyên đã được phân quyền theo Policy để sử dụng các chức năng của chúng.

Step 7: Access vServer using IAM account (User account)

The last step is to use IAM User Account to access vServer resources via vServer portal:

  1. If you have not previously logged in with this browser, the main login page will appear. Select LOG IN WITH IAM USER ACCOUNT.

  2. Enter the email address of the Root user when registering for a VNG Cloud account.

  3. Enter the username and password of the IAM user account (User account) created on the viIAM system.

  4. Select LOG IN WITH IAM USER ACCOUNT. If you have previously logged in as an IAM user account in this browser, your browser may remember the account address IAM user account. If so, you should see the screen shown in step 3. After successfully logging in with the IAM user account, the main screen of vServer will show the type of user you are using to log in (Root user account or IAM user account). You can access the resources that have been authorized according to the Policy to use their functions.

Step 8: Regularly review and check access rights

  • Conduct periodic checks on user access and permissions.

  • Remove any unnecessary access privileges.

  • Regularly review user accounts and access policies and change as necessary to ensure they match current requirements.

Last updated