Step 1: Create a project

To start using the service, you need to create a project. A Project is a term on vStorage that represents a storage package with a specific capacity that you purchase on VNG Cloud. At any given time, you can own one or multiple projects concurrently and use them as a way to organize resources for different groups or departments with different purposes.

Follow these steps to create a project:

  1. Log in to If you don't have an account, sign up for free here.

  2. Choose the storage Region.

  3. Select Create a Project.

  4. Enter the Project Name and choose the appropriate Project Type (storage package) according to your needs.

  5. Choose the desired Quota (storage capacity).

  6. Complete the Checkout steps, and the Project will be initiated.

For convenience, we recommend using the name of your project or business product as the Project Name in vStorage.

Additionally, we are supporting 3 available storage packages:

  • Gold: Suitable for storing media, serving as originals for CDN, with a large number of accessors.

  • Silver: Suitable for backup storage, data with not too much access.

  • Archive: Suitable for long-term storage needs, minimum 6 months, low usage.

The storage cost calculation for each project is publicly available on the VNG Cloud homepage, see Charging Fee.

Last updated