Integrating Swift REST API

To view the guide on integrating Swift Rest API, you can follow the instructions below on vStorage Portal:

  1. Select the Integration menu.

  2. Choose the vStorage API Restful icon.

  3. In the Permission section, you need to enter the necessary information to configure your vStorage API, including:

    1. Select a Region containing the project to which you want to access data from the list of Regions we provide.

    2. Choose a Project from the list of existing projects in the previously selected Region. If the project list is not complete, you can select , and we will reload the latest project list at the time you perform this action.

    3. Choose a Username from the list of Swift users existing in the project you selected earlier.

    4. Enter the corresponding Password for the selected Username. The Swift user and password pair are created and managed through the vIAM system. You can choose Click here to go to vIAM and manage Swift users for us to navigate you to the vIAM system and details on managing Swift users. For more information on Swift users, refer to Initializing Swift user.

    5. Authorization URL: by default, we will display the corresponding authorization URL for the Region you selected.

  4. After completing the permission configuration, select View APIs to go to the Configuration screen. You can always come back here to change your Permission information, then select View APIs again to update the list of Swift Rest APIs according to your new settings.

Last updated