Step 1: Create a project
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To start using the service, you need to create a project. A Project is a term on vStorage that represents a storage package with a specific capacity that you purchase on VNG Cloud. With Region HCM04, at a time you can only own one Project and use them to organize your data storage.
Create a project by following the steps below:
Log in to . If you don't have an account, register for free here .
Select Region HCM04.
Select Create a Project.
Enter Project Name and select the appropriate Project type (package) according to your needs. Currently in region HCM04, we will provide you with the Instant Archive Type package . With this package, you will have free Traffic equal to 2 times the Quota you choose to use and the Request amount is completely free. For more information on pricing, please refer to Pricing.
Select the Quota (storage capacity) you want.
Select Period and check/uncheck Auto-renew according to your needs.
Go through the Checkout steps and your Project will be created.