Linux OS has internet connection limitations

The installing Metric agent on Server guide for the agent requires an HTTPS internet connection to several endpoints to download the necessary resources for installation. Therefore, the installation may not succeed on a server with restricted internet access.


  • Please note that you need to have a Metric Quota. If you do not have one, you need to purchase a Metric Quota here.

In the case of a server with restricted internet access

Check and ensure the connection to the vMonitor Site

Allow by Endpoints:

Allow by IP and Port:

2. Create Service Account

You need to create a Service Account and attach the policy: vMonitorMetricPush to have sufficient permissions to push Metrics to vMonitor (You can skip this step if it has already been created).

To create a service account, visit here,

  • Select "Create a Service Account," enter a name for the Service Account, and click Next Step to assign permissions to the Service Account.

  • Find and select the Policy: vMonitorMetricPush, then click "Create a Service Account" to create the Service Account. The Policy: vMonitorMetricPush, created by VNG Cloud, contains the exact permissions needed to push metrics to the system.

  • After successfully creating the Service Account, you need to save the Client_ID and Secret_Key for the next step.

3. Proceed with the installation:

3.1 Download the installation package from another server: Choose one of the following packages depending on the OS

3.2 Transfer the installation package to the server: You can use tools to transfer or copy the installation package to the server (e.g., scp, rsync, etc.).

3.3 Create credentials


3.4 Install the package: Run the following command based on the OS

  • OS: Centos - yum package manager

sudo yum localinstall /<path_to_file>/telegraf-nightly.x86_64.rpmย 
  • OS: Ubuntu, Debian - apt or dpkg package manager

# use 1 of 2 commands following:
sudo apt install /<path_to_file>/telegraf_nightly_amd64.deb
# or
sudo dpkg -i /<path_to_file>/telegraf_nightly_amd64.deb

3.5 Start metric agent

  • SystemD service manager

sudo systemctl restart telegraf
  • SysVInit is the classic initialization process

sudo service telegraf restart


Last updated