Origin in CDN is the original server that contains all the original data of the website. This is where the original files such as images, videos, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc. are stored. All changes on the website originate from Origin before being distributed to the CDN's servers (Edge servers).
Currently, vCDN supports 3 types of Origin: HTTP Origin, S3 Origin and Host Origin . Specifically, please refer to the table below.
Origin Type
For example
Type of support service
HTTP Origin
Fetch content from a web server or application via the HTTP/HTTPS protocol.
A website hosted at https://example.com
Web Accelerator
Object Download
Video On Demand
S3 Origin
Fetch content directly from S3 - compatible object storage services.
An S3 bucket has a URL like https://bucket-name.s3.amazonaws.com
Object Download
Video On Demand
Host Origin
Data is served from a specific server or IP specified by the user.
Server at IP address
or domain cdn-origin.example.com
Object Download
Video On Demand
Last updated