DEAL Registration

Steps to Add a Deal

Step 1: The user (Partner admin account) logs into the partner portal and selects the "Deal" menu.

Step 2: Select "Add a Deal"

Step 3: Enter the required information, including:

  • Deal Information: Enter the deal details, including:

    • Deal name

    • Deal title

    • Start and end date of the deal

    • Expected revenue of the deal

    • Project name

    • Customer requirements

  • Deal Price: Enter the desired discount level for the deal. This discount level may be adjusted by VNG Cloud upon approval and will be effective when the deal is won. For products without a registered discount, set the discount value to 0%.

  • Customer Information: VNG Cloud partners should accurately enter customer information to facilitate deal locking for partner exploitation.

    • Click "Add a Customer" if the user wants to add a new customer to the deal.

    • A deal can include multiple customers.

    • Click "-" to remove a customer currently listed.

Step 4: Click "Create Deal"

The user will receive a notification that the deal has been successfully created and is awaiting processing by VNG Cloud. After the deal is created, the user can check the deal status on the deal list screen.

Last updated