Load Balancer

Welcome to the VNG Cloud Load Balancer User Guide

This guide is designed to provide you with a comprehensive overview and step-by-step instructions to effectively utilize the Load Balancer feature and optimize your cloud resources, enhancing the availability and performance of your applications.

Overview of VNG Cloud Load Balancer

What is a Load Balancer?

A Load Balancer is a powerful tool designed to evenly distribute network traffic across multiple backend servers. This ensures efficient resource utilization and increases the availability of your applications. By distributing traffic based on predefined rules and algorithms, the Load Balancer improves performance and prevents any single server from becoming overloaded, making it a reliable tool for your applications.

Key Features

The following key features contribute to the stability, scalability, and efficient operation of your applications and services by intelligently distributing traffic and ensuring high availability:

  • Traffic Distribution: The Load Balancer distributes requests to servers in various ways, such as round-robin (evenly) or least connections (to the server with the fewest connections). This even distribution prevents a single server from being overwhelmed and ensures efficient resource utilization.

  • Improved Performance: By directing traffic to multiple servers, the Load Balancer improves response times and prevents bottlenecks, resulting in enhanced application performance and a faster user experience.

  • Scalability: The Load Balancer supports horizontal scaling by seamlessly adding new servers to the server pool. This flexible scaling ensures efficient resource utilization during peak periods.

  • High Availability: The Load Balancer continuously monitors the health of your servers. If a server becomes unresponsive, the Load Balancer automatically redirects traffic to healthy servers, ensuring uninterrupted service.

  • Health Checks: The Load Balancer performs regular health checks on backend servers, verifying their availability and responsiveness. If a server fails these checks, it is temporarily removed from the server pool.

  • Algorithm-Based Distribution: The Load Balancer uses algorithms like round-robin, least connections, or IP Source to intelligently distribute traffic. This optimizes resource allocation based on factors like server capacity, response times, and server load.

  • Session Persistence: Some applications require a consistent user experience across a session. The Load Balancer can ensure this by maintaining a user's session on the same server throughout their interaction.

  • SSL/TLS Encryption: The Load Balancer can handle the encryption and decryption of SSL/TLS traffic, offloading computational work from backend servers and enhancing overall performance.

  • Content-Based Routing (Host/Path-based): The Load Balancer can redirect traffic based on the Host, Path, or other criteria specific to your application. This ensures that requests are routed to the most suitable server based on the nature of the request.

  • Centralized Management: The Load Balancer service provides a centralized management interface that allows administrators to configure and monitor multiple Load Balancer instances from a single location, simplifying management tasks.

  • Traffic Monitoring and Analytics: The Load Balancer provides insights into traffic patterns, server performance, and user behaviour through metrics, logs, and analytics, helping administrators optimize resource allocation and troubleshoot issues.

Learn more about how the service works and detailed usage instructions through the following articles:

  • Related Topics:

    • Deployment Mode

    • Feature Comparison

    • Application Load Balancer

    • Network Load Balancer

    • Monitor your load balancers

Last updated