Connecting to a Linux server by SSH Client
Last updated
Last updated
After successfully initialized, the information of vServer will be displayed on Portal VNG Cloud.
If the Status section is Active, vServer is ready to use
Check your email, for vServer connection information
Note: This information is confidential and only sent to registered email. VNG Cloud cannot intervene to recover vServer's login information (username / password / key) in all situations
Step 1: Use Linux Terminal to connect to vServer ssh -p 234 stackops@ Step 2: Change password for user stackops at first login
Enter the password of the user stackops with the content instancePassword in the email
Re-enter the password of the user stackops with the content instancePassword in the email
Enter new password for user stackops to use for login later
Re-enter new password for user stackops to use for future login
Step 3: Reconnect to vServer
If you have already created an SSH Key Pair on VNGCLOUD portal (Click here for instructions on creating SSH Keys) and have added SSH Key to vServer during initialization, you can do the following steps:
Step 1: Use Linux Terminal to connect to vServer
ssh -i ~/Download/private_key01.pem -p 234 stackops@
Step 2: Change password for user stackops at first login
Enter the password of the user stackops with the content instancePassword in the email
Enter new password for user stackops to use for future login
Re-enter new password for user stackops to use for login later
Step 3: Reconnect to vServer
Step 1: Use Windows' Putty to connect to vServer
Step 2: Change password for user stackops at first login
Enter the password of the user stackops with the content instancePassword email
Re-enter the password of the user stackops with the content instancePassword email
Enter new password for user stackops to use for future login
Re-enter new password for user stackops to use for future login
Step 3: Reconnect to vServer
Enter the new password changed in Step 2 for user stackops
Type the command sudo -i or sudo su to have root execution rights on the Server
If you have already created an SSH Key Pair on VNGCLOUD portal (Click here for instructions on creating SSH Keys) and have added SSH Key to vServer during initialization, you can do the following steps:
Step 1: Use putty-gen to convert downloaded file key.pem to file key.ppk
Step 2: Use Windows' Putty to connect to vServer, authen using the file key.ppk created above
Step 3: Change password for user stackops at first login
Enter the password of the user stackops with the content instancePassword email
Enter new password for user stackops to use for future login
Re-enter new password for user stackops to use for login later
Step 4: Reconnect to vServer