Access Permissions and Working Through vStorage

On the vStorage system, we provide you with individual access permission features for each container or object, as outlined in the diagram below. Details include:

Make container public

You can switch the mode of a container from private to public, allowing anyone to access the container to view, download, and upload all files and objects within the container. For more information, please refer to Make container public.

Make container private

You can switch the mode of a container from public to private to stop sharing the container publicly on the cloud computing environment. After switching to private mode, you will not be able to access the container through the URL and will require authenticated access. For more information, please refer to Make container private.

ACLs for a container

You can grant Read, Write, or Read and Write permissions to one or all other Root users. (Root users who are granted access through ACLs must be authorized accounts on our VNG Cloud system). For more information, please refer to ACLs for a container.

CORS for a container

You can allow a website to access resources on a container. For more information, please refer to CORS for a container.

Share objects

You can share access to one or multiple objects through a TempURL. For more information, please refer to Share objects.

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