Expose a service through vLB Layer4


To be able to initialize a Cluster and Deploy a Workload , you need:

  • There is at least 1 VPC and 1 Subnet in ACTIVE state . If you do not have a VPC or Subnet yet, please create a VPC or Subnet according to the instructions here .

  • There is at least 1 SSH key in ACTIVE state . If you do not have any SSH key, please create an SSH key according to the instructions here .

  • Installed and configured kubectl on your device. Please refer here if you are not sure how to install and use kuberctl. In addition, you should not use a kubectl version that is too old, we recommend that you use a kubectl version that is no more than one version different from the cluster version.

Initialize Cluster

A cluster in Kubernetes is a collection of one or more virtual machines (VMs) connected together to run containerized applications. Cluster provides a unified environment to deploy, manage, and operate containers at scale.

To initialize a Cluster, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Visit https://vks.console.vngcloud.vn/overview

Step 2: At the Overview screen , select Activate.

Step 3: Wait until we successfully create your VKS account. After Activate successfully, select Create a Cluster

Step 4: At the Cluster initialization screen, we have set up information for the Cluster and a Default Node Group for you. You can keep these default values ​​or adjust the desired parameters for the Cluster and Node Group at Cluster Configuration, Default Node Group Configuration, Plugin. When you choose to enable option, by default we will pre-install this plugin into your Cluster.

Step 5: Select Create Kubernetes cluster. Please wait a few minutes for us to initialize your Cluster, the Cluster's status is now Creating .

Step 6: When the Cluster status is Active , you can view Cluster information and Node Group information by selecting Cluster Name in the Name column .

Connect and check the newly created Cluster information

After the Cluster is successfully initialized, you can connect and check the newly created Cluster information by following these steps:

Step 1: Visit https://vks.console.vngcloud.vn/k8s-cluster

Step 2: The Cluster list is displayed, select the iconand select Download Config File to download the kubeconfig file. This file will give you full access to your Cluster.

Step 3 : Rename this file to config and save it to the ~/.kube/config directory

Step 4: Perform Cluster check via command:

  • Run the following command to test node

kubectl get nodes
  • If the results are returned as below, it means your Cluster was successfully initialized with 3 nodes as below.

NAME                                            STATUS     ROLES    AGE   VERSION
ng-0e10592c-e70e-404d-a4e8-5e3b80f805e4-834b7   Ready      <none>   50m   v1.28.8
ng-0e10592c-e70e-404d-a4e8-5e3b80f805e4-cf652   Ready      <none>   23m   v1.28.8
ng-0f4ed631-1252-49f7-8dfc-386fa0b2d29b-a8ef0   Ready      <none>   28m   v1.28.8

Create Service Account and install VNGCloud LoadBalancer Controller

Instructions for creating Service Account and installing VNGCloud LoadBalancer Controller

Initialize Service Account

  • Create or use a service account created on IAM and attach policy: vLBFullAccess , vServerFullAccess . To create a service account, go here and follow these steps:

    • Select " Create a Service Account ", enter a name for the Service Account and click Next Step to assign permissions to the Service Account

    • Find and select Policy: vLBFullAccess and Policy: vServerFullAccess , then click " Create a Service Account " to create Service Account, Policy: vLBFullAccess and Policy: vServerFullAccess created by VNG Cloud, you cannot delete these policies.

    • After successful creation, you need to save the Client_ID and Secret_Key of the Service Account to perform the next step.

  • Uninstall cloud-controller-manager

kubectl get daemonset -n kube-system | grep -i "cloud-controller-manager"

# if your output is similar to the following, you MUST delete the old plugin
kubectl delete daemonset cloud-controller-manager -n kube-system --force
  • Besides, you can delete the Service Account being used for the cloud-controller-manager you just removed

kubectl get sa -n kube-system | grep -i "cloud-controller-manager"

# if your output is similar to the above, you MUST delete this service account
kubectl delete sa cloud-controller-manager -n kube-system --force

Install VNGCloud LoadBalancer Controller

helm repo add vks-helm-charts https://vngcloud.github.io/vks-helm-charts
helm repo update
  • Replace your K8S cluster's ClientID, Client Secret, and ClusterID information and continue running:

helm install  vngcloud-controller-manager vks-helm-charts/vngcloud-controller-manager --replace \
  --namespace kube-system \
  --set cloudConfig.global.clientID= <Lấy ClientID của Service Account được tạo trên IAM theo hướng dẫn bên trên> \
  --set cloudConfig.global.clientSecret= <Lấy ClientSecret của Service Account được tạo trên IAM theo hướng dẫn bên trên>\
  --set cluster.clusterID= <Lấy Cluster ID của cluster mà bạn đã khởi tạo trước đó>
  • After the installation is complete, check the status of vngcloud-Integrate-controller pods:

kubectl get pods -n kube-system | grep vngcloud-controller-manager

For example, in the image below you have successfully installed vngcloud-controller-manager:

NAME                                          READY   STATUS    RESTARTS      AGE
vngcloud-controller-manager-8864c754c-bqhvz   1/1     Running   5 (91s ago)   3m13sc

Deploy a Workload

The following is a guide for you to deploy the nginx service on Kubernetes.

Step 1 : Create Deployment, Service for Nginx app.

  • Create nginx-service-lb4.yaml file with the following content:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: nginx-app
      app: nginx
  replicas: 1
        app: nginx
      - name: nginx
        image: nginx:1.19.1
        - containerPort: 80
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: nginx-service
    app: nginx
  type: LoadBalancer 
    - protocol: TCP
      port: 80
      targetPort: 80
  • Deploy this Service using:

kubectl apply -f nginx-service-lb4.yaml

Step 2: Check the Deployment and Service information just deployed

  • Run the following command to test Deployment

kubectl get svc,deploy,pod -owide
  • If the results are returned as below, it means you have deployed Deployment successfully.

NAME                    TYPE           CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)        AGE     SELECTOR
service/kubernetes      ClusterIP      <none>        443/TCP        5h15m   <none>
service/nginx-service   LoadBalancer   <pending>     80:31623/TCP   2s      app=nginx

deployment.apps/nginx-app   0/1     1            0           2s    nginx        nginx:1.19.1   app=nginx

NAME                             READY   STATUS              RESTARTS   AGE   IP       NODE                                            NOMINATED NODE   READINESS GATES
pod/nginx-app-7f45b65946-bmrcf   0/1     ContainerCreating   0          2s    <none>   ng-e0fc7245-0c6e-4336-abcc-31a70eeed71d-46179   <none>           <non

At this point, the vLB system will automatically create a corresponding LB for the deployed nginx app, for example:

Step 3: To access the just exported nginx app, you can use the URL with the format:


You can get Load Balancer Public Endpoint information at the vLB interface. Specifically, access at https://hcm-3.console.vngcloud.vn/vserver/load-balancer/vlb/

For example, below I have successfully accessed the nginx app with the address:

You can see more about ALB at Working with Network load balancing (NLB) .

Last updated