Create a container

Container is a data-holding object (Object) in vStorage that can be understood as equivalent to a directory in the operating system. You can manage files and folders within this Container using provided tools and APIs.

Use vStorage Portal

1. Log in to

2. Choose the project for which you want to create a container.

3. Select Create a container.

4. The Create a container screen is displayed. Enter the Container Name, making sure to adhere to our naming conventions for your container.

Once the container is created, you cannot change its name. For more information on naming conventions, please refer to Containers naming rule.

5. Select Create.

After successfully completing the above 5 steps, the container is created. Continue to use the features provided for the container, starting with uploading objects.

Use vStorage API

In addition to the traditional management interface portal, we also provide APIs that allows you to integrate vStorage with your user-facing applications and tools using for data storage.

To create a new container through the vStorage API, please refer to the API developers.

Use 3rd party softwares

vStorage is also compatible with user-side tools using the S3 protocol. You can easily use familiar tools such as Rclone, s3cmd, Cyberduck, and more. Check out 3rd party softwares to learn how to integrate and use these tools.

To create a new container via 3rd party software, please refer to the 3rd Party Softwares.

Last updated