View rack detail

By clicking the "View detail" button on each row of the Space list, you can view detailed information of the rack.

On the Rack detail interface, you can view the following information:

  • Basic information: Information about the rack's identifier.

  • Location information: Detailed information about the location of the rack.

  • Physical information: Information about the rack size, design power, and load capacity (weight) of the rack.

  • Operation parameter: Measured (instantaneous) parameters such as the rack's power consumption, temperature, and humidity.

  • Utilization specifications: Allows viewing the history of fluctuations in values such as power consumption, temperature, and humidity.


Some information will not be displayed for racks rented individually by Rack Unit.

Features in Space list:

  • View rack layout: View the layout of equipment on the rack.

  • View details: View detailed information of the rack.

  • Filter list: Filter the list of racks, rack units, and cages.

Last updated