Transcode video files (MP4)
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You have the original 4K resolution MP4 file, stored on any S3 compatible object storage service.
MP4 files after being transcoded to different resolutions are stored on an object storage service compatible with S3 and can be accessed via VNG Cloud's vCDN.
The source data is an .mp4 file that needs to be transcoded, stored on any S3-compatible service.
Media Service is a specialized software for processing media files to serve VOD and Livestream needs. Media Service uses vServer as a compute engine and is currently available on vServer's vMarketplace service.
The destination data is the .mp4 file after transcoding, stored on the vServer disk.
Once you have the Destination Data, you can use it as the Origin for the CDN system.
To do the above problem, follow the instructions below:
First, you need to initialize a bucket on any S3-compatible service to store the source data. You can use AWS S3, Google Storage,... or you can also choose to use vStorage developed by VNGCloud as the source data storage. For details on the steps to initialize a bucket on vStorage, please refer here . After the bucket has been initialized, do the following:
Set up public access from the internet to objects following the instructions here .
Upload an .MP4 file as a sample for transcoding
Create S3 Key for the project according to the instructions here .
First, you need to install Sigma Media Server following the steps here .
Step 1: After successfully installing Sigma Media Server, access with the email you previously registered to use the service.
Step 2: Select the Product drop-down menu and select Media VOD
Step 3: Continue to select the VOD tab
Step 4: Select the Add button in the right corner to create a transcoding job
Step 5: Select a server to execute the transcoding job, by default the Sigma Media Server that you previously initialized on vMarketPlace will be selected.
Step 6: Select the type of source file to transcode. You need to enter the URL of the source file that has been uploaded to the S3 service. For example, with vStorage, the object URL will have a similar format: Note: you need to make the container/bucket public (Make Public) on vStorage or any S3 service so that Sigma can access this link.
Step 7: In the Destination section , select the output type Third-party Storage -> Generic S3 to save the result file.
Step 8 : Configure your S3 information
Step 9: Configure input profiles
Step 10: Configure output profiles
Step 11: In this scenario we will Select HLS
Step 12: Configure HLS parameters
Step 13: Click Create Job to start transcoding
Step 14 : Return to the VOD tab, we will see the processing %, or error messages if any of the created jobs.
Step 1: You access VNG Cloud – vCDN Portal
Step 2: Create a CDN domain for VOD following the instructions here .
Step 3 : Select CDN Origin as S3
After the transcoding process is successful, you can access the resulting video using the following CDN link: https://<CDN Domain>/sigma-vod/<transcode_job_id>/master.m3u8