Manage vServer with Terraform
Last updated
Last updated
Step 1: Install Terraform CLI as instructed here
Step 2: To be able to manage vServer with Terraform, you need to create a Service account from the Root account on the IAM homepage (see instructions on how to create a Service account and use IAM here), in this case you want to create a Server with Terraform requires the following (Policy) permissions:
or you can grant vServerFullAccess permission (should have vServerReadOnlyAccess permission to get resource information after creation). For more information on how to assign permissions to each Resource, the corresponding Action at {IAM Authorization Page}.
Note: Each different resource management action will require different permissions, so it's essential to set up a reasonable set of permissions that fit your business needs.
Step 3: Create a folder containing the terraform file and download the example from the VNG Cloud repo at here.
After downloading the Example folder to the computer, the user opens the file (under the path terraform-provider-vngcloud/examples/, then changes the necessary information as follows:
Client_id: Get at IAM homepage/ Service account - Service account Detail - Tab Security credentials
Client_secret: Obtained when initializing Service account at IAM homepage or can be reset at IAM homepage/ Service account - Service account Detail - Tab Security credentials
variable "client_id"
{ type
= string default = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"}variable "client_secret"
{ type
= string default = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"}
Step 4: Check the file information again (follow the path examples/, in this case you need to delete the lines below:
module "k8s" { source = "./modules/vng-cloud-k8s" }
module "vlb" { source = "./modules/vng-cloud-vlb" }
chỉ để lại:
module "vserver" { source = "./modules/vng-cloud-vserver" }
Step 5: Then go to the directory vng-cloud-vserver/ examples/ modules/ vng-cloud-vserver/, and open the variable/tf file:
project_id: your project information, you can get it at {Limit Tab} on vServer Portal, For example: pro-462803f3-6858-466f-bf05-df2b33faa360:
image_id: operating system to initialize vServer eg: img-b5bf635e-0456-4765-b493-31d5fcfc05aa (1_Ubuntu-22.04x64) ... you can see Id list when creating vServer on Portal/ {System Image Tab}
flavor_id: vServer configuration that you will initialize for example: flav-e2028a81-cc75-47e4-8af1-9eef2f857f84 (s-general-2x4) ,... you can see the list when creating vServer on Portal/ {Flavors Tab}.
variable "project_id"
{ type
= string default = "pro-462803f3-6858-466f-bf05-df2b33faa360"}variable "s_general_4x8"
{ type
= string default = "flav-05f97524-0410-46a4-87a8-af92aa759231"}variable "ubuntu_20_04"
{ type
= string default = "img-a34d639b-e070-46ff-8b91-addf4fac45b4"}
volume_type_name: specify IOPS for root disk and data disk, for example: SSD-3000, you can see Volume Type list on vServer Portal/ {Volume Type Tab}.
root_disk_size: specify the size of the root disk drive, for example: 20
data_disk_size: specify the root disk volume, for example: 50
variable "ssd_3000"
{ type
= string default = "3000"}variable "root_disk_size"
{ type
= number default = 20}variable "data_disk_size"
{ type
= number default = 50}
network_id: specify the network id that the vServer will be created on, you can get it from the VPC tab, if you haven't initialized any network you can see the instructions {Network creation page}:
subnet_id: specify the subnet id that vServer will be created on, you can get it from {VPC Tab}, if you haven't initialized any subnet you can see the instructions at {Subnet creation page}:
variable "network_id"
{ type
= string default = "net-22581aed-a65d-4b1e-86d3-102d68e148e0"}variable "subnet_id"
{ type
= string default = "sub-5f101cba-7ce0-4084-8576-06b8dbfb298a"
ssh_key_id: specify the ssh key that will be injected into the vServer, you can get it at {SSH Keys Tab}, if you haven't initialized any ssh key you can see it at {SSH key creation page}:
security_group_id_list: specify a list of security group ids that need to be attached to vServer, you can get it at {Security Groups Tab}, if you need to create more security groups you can see it at {Security Group Creation Page}.
variable "ssh_key_id"
{ type
= string default = "ssh-b4fbf87a-d9bc-4f04-9ea1-39e086f443de"}variable "security_group_id_list"
{ type
= list(string) default = [ "secg-28e91c47-11b1-4cc1-8e24-dd174882708d" ]}
Step 6: Check the file information (follow the path terraform-provider-vngcloud/examples/modules/vng-cloud-vserver/), in the file we have some commands available: Create Server, Create Volume , Attach volume to Server, in this case to Create a new Server you just need to leave the Create Server resource follow the instructions below:
data "vngcloud_vserver_volume_type_zone"
{ name = "SSD" project_id = var.project_id}data "vngcloud_vserver_volume_type"
{ name = var.ssd_3000 project_id = var.project_id volume_type_zone_id =}
resource "vngcloud_vserver_server"
{ count = var.server_count project_id = var.project_id name = "vngcloud-tinbhn22-${count.index}" encryption_volume = false attach_floating = true flavor_id = var.s_general_4x8 image_id = var.ubuntu_20_04 network_id = var.network_id root_disk_size = var.root_disk_size root_disk_type_id = security_group = var.security_group_id_list subnet_id = var.subnet_id action = "start" # user_name = "stackops" # user_password = "Vng@Cloud3030" # expire_password = false # ssh_key = var.ssh_key_id #user_data_base64_encode = var.user_data_base64_encode #user_data = "${data.template_cloudinit_config.user_data.rendered}" lifecycle { create_before_destroy = true }}
Step 7: Launch the terraform command
After completing the above information, in order for terraform to initialize and download the VNG Cloud provider and set up the necessary information, run the command below, note that when running, you need to stand in the directory terraform-provider-vngcloud/ examples/ :
terraform init
The system will return the following results:
vnglab:vngcloud cbr09$ terraform init
Initializing the backend...
Initializing provider plugins...- Finding vngcloud/vngcloud
versions matching "0.0.5"...- Installing vngcloud/vngcloud
v0.0.5...- Installed vngcloud/vngcloud
v0.0.5 (self-signed, key ID A6A27B3126EF15EB)
Partner and community providers are signed by their developers.If you'd like to know more
about provider signing, you can read
about it here:
Terraform has created a lock file
.terraform.lock.hcl to record the providerselections it made above. Include this file
your version control repositoryso that Terraform can guarantee to make
the same selections by default whenyou run "terraform init"
the future.
Terraform has been successfully initialized!
You may now begin working with Terraform. Try running "terraform plan"
to seeany changes that are required for
your infrastructure. All Terraform commandsshould now work.
If you ever set
or change modules or backend configuration for
Terraform,rerun this command
to reinitialize your working directory. If you forget, othercommands will detect it and remind you to do
so if
Then, to see what changes will be applied to the resources that terraform is managing, you can run:
terraform plan
Finally you choose to run the command line:
terraform apply
and select YES to perform vServer initialization via Terraform
Step 8: You can go to the Portal to see the Server being initialized from Terraform:
terraform { required_providers { vngcloud = { source
= "vngcloud/vngcloud" version = "1.1.0" } } # backend "s3" { # skip_credentials_validation = true # skip_metadata_api_check = true # skip_region_validation = true # bucket = "bucket-name" # endpoint = "
" # key = "terraform.tfstate" # region = "HCM01" # access_key = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" # secret_key = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" # }}
provider "vngcloud"
{ token_url = "
" client_id = var.client_id client_secret = var.client_secret vserver_base_url = "
" vlb_base_url = "
module "vserver"
{ source
= "./modules/vng-cloud-vserver"}