Working with vCDN-Log
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vCDN Log Monitoring is an integrated system between vCDN and vMonitor Platform that helps users monitor resources on vCDN through synchronizing, collecting and filtering information at each user's CDN domain . To enable/disable the feature of pushing logs from vCDN to the vMonitor Platform system, first visit here . Then select the Infrastructure list/vCDN - Log folder. Here, you can see a list of all the vCDN domains you have on your account.
On this screen, you will see basic information columns such as:
vCDN domains : domain name of CDN.
Domain type : domain type. Currently, we are supporting you to push and monitor logs of 4 types of services on vCDN including: Web Accelerator, Object Download, Video on Demand, Live Streaming.
Log Project : log project on vMonitor Platform and is where the vCDN domain logs will be stored when you turn on the Detail Monitoring feature .
Log Project Usage : information about the usage level of the Log Project that you have set up to receive vCDN logs.
Monitoring Status : monitoring status of vCDN domain. If you have not enabled the Detailed Monitoring feature, the status will be INACTIVE , if you have enabled this feature and selected a Log project as the place to receive vCDN logs, the status will be ACTIVE , and if the vCDN domain has been deleted from the vCDN system then the status will be DELETED . After 24 hours, if there are no logs coming in, vCDN domains with a monitoring status of DELETED will be hidden from your monitoring interface.
Detailed Monitoring : enable/disable the Logs monitoring feature of each vCDN domain.
To enable the logs monitoring feature of each vCDN domain, you need to click the Enable icon in the Detailed Monitoring column:
At this point, the system will display a popup and you need to select Log Project to contain the logs of this vCDN domain, then press the Enable button . If you don't have any Log Project yet, you can click the Create a log project button in the popup or return to the Quota & Usage menu to create a Log Project first.
After enabling enable monitoring, you will see the status of this vCDN domain change from INACTIVE to ACTIVE , now you can access the Log Project you just selected to view the logs. For more details, refer to Working with Log search .
If you no longer need to view logs of any vCDN domain, you need to click the Disable icon in the Detailed Monitoring column :
At this time, the system will display a popup and you need to select Disable to turn off the feature of pushing logs from the selected vCDN domain to the vMonitor Platform system.
Once created, vCDN domain will take up to 5 minutes to synchronize to vMonitor Platform.
From the moment Detail monitoring is turned on for a vCDN domain, it will take some time (possibly from 5 minutes - 10 minutes ) for logs to appear in the vMonitor Platform system. (This parameter depends on the logs push delay of the vCDN system).
From the moment we delete a vCDN domain on the vMonitor Platform system, within 24 hours we will completely delete your vCDN domain from the vMonitor Platform system.
If you need to change the Log Project containing Logs, you can select the iconand select the Edit Log Project button . At the Change Log project popup , select the new Log Project you want to change and click Save .