vStorage API

vStorage provides S3 API, allowing companies, organizations, or other users to integrate their own user-facing applications and tools with vStorage for storing data such as images, videos, documents, etc. The vStorage S3 API includes APIs for working with VNG Cloud accounts, projects, containers, objects/directories, viewing billing information, and more.

Integrating your user-facing applications and tools with vStorage using the vStorage S3 API will help you store and manage your data on vStorage. Here's what you can do:

  • Work with vStorage accounts: for example, create an SSO User Account.

  • Work with projects: for example, create/delete/restore/extend projects in different regions.

  • Work with containers: for example, create/delete/switch public/private mode containers in projects across different regions.

  • Work with objects: for example, upload/download/rename/copy/delete objects using tempURL.

  • Access metrics such as quotas, usage levels, access traffic, etc.

  • Other features: container versioning backup.

To help you easily integrate and quickly experience vStorage APIs, we provide an integration feature through the vStorage Portal. Simply provide accurate information about Region, Project, authentication details (Client ID/Client Secret), and then you can view information and experience vStorage APIs directly on the vStorage Portal. After accessing your resources (projects, containers, objects, etc.) on the vStorage service, to work with these resources using vStorage API, you can refer to https://docs.api.vngcloud.vn/service-docs/vstorage-api.html.

Last updated