Using S3 SDK
Some common use cases (examples for languages: Java & AWS SDK library)
Create a new bucket
Get a list of all objects in a bucket
ObjectListing objectListing = s3Client.listObjects(<CONTAINER-NAME>); for (S3ObjectSummary os : objectListing.getObjectSummaries()) { System.out.println(os.getKey()); }
Upload files to a bucket
s3Client.putObject(<CONTAINER-NAME>, <KEY-NAME>, new File(<PATH-TO-LOCAL-FILE>));
Delete an object in a bucket
s3Client.deleteObject(<CONTAINER-NAME>, <KEY-NAME>);
Delete a bucket
ObjectListing objectListing = s3Client.listObjects(<CONTAINER-NAME>);
if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(objectListing.getObjectSummaries())) { String[] objkeyArr = objectListing.getObjectSummaries().stream().map(S3ObjectSummary::getKey) .toArray(String[]::new); DeleteObjectsRequest delObjReq = new DeleteObjectsRequest(bucket).withKeys(objkeyArr); s3Client.deleteObjects(delObjReq); }
Move an object
Some advanced use cases
Switch bucket public mode
s3Client.setBucketAcl(<CONTAINER-NAME>, CannedAccessControlList.PublicRead);
Switch bucket privacy mode
s3Client.setBucketAcl(<CONTAINER-NAME>, CannedAccessControlList.Private);
Notes on using S3 SDK
When you use the S3 SDK to upload a large file (multipart upload), the file is divided into multiple segments to upload to the vStorage system. During the file upload process, some segments may be uploaded, some segments may not be uploaded due to errors such as network problems, vStorage system overload, your application stops running, hangs, etc. The file is then considered as an unsuccessful upload, the uploaded segments are considered incomplete segments or garbage segments and are occupying your storage capacity. We recommend that you proactively delete these garbage segments in your application to optimize the cost and storage capacity of the project you are using.
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