Partner Portal Overview

After user has successfully registered partner account, log in to Partner Portal, screen will be displayed as below:

Functions supporting partners include:

  1. Allow choosing language on portal: user can choose either Vietnamese or English

  2. View and update profile: user can view and update the following information

  • Change password

  • Two-factor authentication

  • View login history

  1. Register discount for VNG Cloud’s services

  2. Register customer account: helps VNG Cloud’s partner manage sales as well as browsing, comparing revenue and commission statistics with VNG Cloud

  3. Set up discount for partner’s customer: Help VNG Cloud’s partner manage price used for managing payable account as well as issuing invoices for customers.

  4. Top up credits for customer

  5. View discount history of partner, partner’s customer

  6. View report of credits topped up/used, discount report and monthly revenue report

Last updated