Announcement and Instructions on Switching Packages on the vMonitor Platform


Starting from February 29, 2024, the vMonitor Platform system will change the way resources are purchased to be more flexible to meet the diverse needs of customers. Specifically, instead of choosing from the available service packages (packages) that we provide, you can choose your own resource configuration according to your needs. In addition, you can also purchase multiple types of resources at the same time on the vMonitor Platform system.

From now until April 22, 2024, if you have at least 1 Metric Quota resource, Log Project on the vMonitor Platform system, please switch according to our instructions below. After this time, if you have not switched resources, the vMonitor Platform system will automatically switch. Here are a few notes...


There will be a few notes to consider when performing package transfer on the vMonitor Platform system, including:

  • The current tiers will be converted into classes. Specifically:

    • Free tier has been converted to Basic Class. Refer to detailed information for the classes at Metric Quota Class, Log Project Class, and Synthetic Test Quota Class.

    • Small/ Medium/ Large, etc. tiers have been converted to Class Pro. Refer to the detailed information for each class in Metric Quota Class, Log Project Class, and Synthetic Test Quota Class.

  • With the new Basic and Pro classes, we will not limit the number of alarms you can create.

  • The package conversion to the new format will be completely free of charge and **will not affect

    • Cost: Your subscription price will remain the same after the transition.

    • Functionality: You will retain all the features of your current plan.

    • Downtime: The system will not experience any downtime during the transition.

  • For existing customers, the amount of Email/SMS will be automatically added to your corresponding free notification quota. Additionally, we offer free SMS/Email packages that you can purchase and use according to the instructions in "Working with SMS Notification Quota" and "Working with Email Notification Quota".

Steps to Implement the Transition

Below is a detailed guide on how to switch packages on the vMonitor Platform:

  • Step 1: Access the vMonitor Platform at

  • Step 2: Log into your account.

  • Step 3: Select Usage & Quota from the left-hand menu.

  • Step 4: You will now see a package conversion suggestion on your interface. Select Convert.

  • Step 5: We provide a comparison table showing the changes when performing the conversion. You can go through each section including: Metric Quota, Log Project, Paid SMS Notification, Paid Email Notification, Synthetic Test Quota to view the detailed parameters of each service package before proceeding with the conversion. You need to confirm the conversion information and select Convert.

The package conversion process will occur immediately. The Quota/Usage parameters will be preserved after you perform the conversion. At this time, the screen will display the new package format as follows:

In this example, I purchased the Metric Quota package. The Log Project incurs additional charges, so when converted, I automatically received an additional 200 SMS and 200 Email credits free for 6 months. Details:

After converting the resource, you can continue to perform resizing and extending the resource according to other instructions in this document.

Last updated