Supported Metrics List
Linux/Windows metrics
vMonitor Platform's Metric Agent is built based on Telegraf software. By default, when installing Metric Agent, we will open plugin inputs such as:
system. system
disk. disk
processes. processes
You can see detailed information about the Metrics and Units of the above plugins here , and you can open additional plugin inputs to push more Metrics to vMonitor.
Product metrics
When Resources on VNG Cloud are created, by default there will be 2 types of monitors: Basic and Detail
Monitoring type
Basic monitoring
In this mode, a number of default metrics will be pushed and stored on the vMonitor Platform system. For details, refer to the detailed parameter table below.
Data is available automatically at 1 minute intervals.
Detailed monitoring
In this mode, all existing metrics on the Resource are pushed and stored on the vMonitor Platform system. For details, refer to the detailed parameter table below.
Data is available automatically at 1 minute intervals.
To know what each type of monitoring can do, please refer to the List of Supported Metrics .
Last updated