Step 4: Deploy Application on Initialized Container

Step 1: initialize the Deployment file - in this case, use the YANL . file


apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata:

# name of deployment name: deployapp


# number of PODs generated replicas: 3

# set up deploy-managed PODs, which are PODs labeled "app=deployapp" selector: matchLabels: app: deployapp

# Define POD template, when needed Deploy uses this template to create Pod

template: metadata: name: podapp labels: app: deployapp spec: containers: name: node image: ichte/swarmtest:node resources: limits: memory: "128Mi" cpu: "100m" ports: containerPort: 8085

Execute the following command to deploy:

kubectl apply -f 1.myapp-deploy.yaml When the Deployment is created, its name is deployapp, which can be checked with the command:

kubectl get deploy -o wide This deploy creates a ReplicasSet and manages it, type the following command to display the ReplicaSet

kubectl get rs -o wide In turn, the Deploy-managed ReplicaSet manages (creates, deletes) the Pods, to view the Pods.

kubeclt get po -o wide

# Or filter the whole label kubectl get po -l "app=deployapp" -o wide

  • Example: Case deploy APP echo1:

  • Check the deployment:

Step 2: Expose Services Just deployed to Public Thực hiện apply cấu hinh len Container: Test access from outside the Internet to Echo1 Service with port 30309

That's it, I've finished the application and Expose to the internet

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