Instructions for creating Receiver

Receiver is a feature that allows you to Scale (IN / OUT) 1 Group using a web hook.

Step 1: At the Auto-scaling group interface, select a group you want to use the receiver for

Step 2: Select receiver -> Create receiver

Step 3: Enter receiver name and Acion Type. There are currently 2 Actions

- CLUSTER_SCALE_IN : Reduce instances, each time by 1 if there is no scaling policy attached

- CLUSTER_SCALE_OUT: Increase instance, each time by 1 if there is no scaling policy attached

Select receiver to create, after successful creation you will see Receiver as shown below.

To be able to trigger (trigger) this webhook url you need the following information:

+ Web hook url: path information for you to call in, you get it by clicking "Copy channel"

+ User_id: account identifier information, you get by accessing at the Account id field.

+ Access key: authentication information, you contact us to be provided

For example, you have the following information:

+ Web hook url:

+ user_id: 47777

+ access_key: 89fa022b-6c44-43f2-b51c-3b332fbbf462

You can use curl to enable the extension

curl -H 'Content-type: application/json' -H 'user_id:46677-H 'access_key: 89fa3452b-6345-43f2-0000-3b332fbbf462' -XPOST ' 6e88c3f851dc4f48b11276c79a847d1c/receiver/81935b94-fc5c-4d06-869f-61aaaa4797e6/scale?backend=4'

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