Automatically manage Certificates in VKS with Nginx Ingress Controller, Cert-Manager, and Let's Encr
Necessary conditions
You have initialized the Cluster on the VKS system according to the instructions here and the VNGCloud LoadBalancer Controller has been installed on your cluster .
Next, make sure you have a domain registered and in use.
Finally, you need an email address to perform the Certificate management test.
Next, you need to install nginx-ingress-controller with the command:
Install Cert-Manager
Cert-Manager is responsible for automatically issuing and renewing certificates from Let's Encrypt.
Use Helm to install Cert-Manager via command:
Steps to follow
Deploy sample app
Let's deploy a sample app, for example:
Issuer Configuration
Issuer is the component that helps Cert-Manager communicate with Let's Encrypt to issue certificates.
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