Using Rclone

Common usecase

List all of containers

$ rclone lsd <remote_name>:

Create a container

$ rclone mkdir <remote_name>:mybucket

List all of objects in a container

$ rclone ls <remote_name>:mybucket

Download file.txt from a container

$ rclone copy <remote_name>:mybucket/file.txt fichier.txt

Advances usecase

Sync all of object in directory /home/user/documents to a container

$ rclone sync /home/user/documents <remote_name>:mybucket

Copy file from directory /home/user/file.txt into a bucket

$ rclone copy /home/user/file.txt <remote_name>:mybucket


  • Do not use an Rclone version that is too old or too new on operating systems with extremely outdated or very new versions, as it may lead to errors.

  • It is not recommended to use rclone sync because it will copy the source to the destination and delete the differences in the destination, making the destination a copy of the source. This can cause accidental data deletion if the source or destination information is incorrect. It is advised to use rclone copy.

  • There are several issues when using rclone mount to mount vStorage containers (buckets) into a local directory for use:

    1. Unable to copy, rename, move.

    2. Unable to list quickly.

    3. No permissions like on traditional filesystems: rwx, uid, gid, etc.

    Rclone supports cleaning up incomplete segments when uploading large objects (multipart upload). When using Rclone to upload large files, the file is divided into multiple segments for uploading to the vStorage system. During the file upload process, some segments may be uploaded successfully, while others may not be uploaded due to errors such as network issues, vStorage system overload, Rclone being stopped or hanging, etc. The file is considered to have been unsuccessfully uploaded, and the uploaded segments are considered incomplete or garbage segments, occupying your storage space. It is recommended to delete these garbage segments to optimize costs and storage space. You can do this by:

    1. Listing all incomplete multipart uploads with the following command:

    rclone backend list-multipart-uploads vng:/my-bucket

    • Deleting incomplete segments (garbage segments) using the following command to delete all garbage segments from the last 24 hours

    rclone cleanup vng:/my-bucket

    • Exercise caution when using the max-age option in the cleanup command, as setting max-age too low (e.g., 1 second) may delete segments of multipart uploads in progress rather than actual garbage segments. It is recommended to use max-age > 3 days to ensure safety when deleting data.

    rclone backend cleanup vng:/my-web -o max-age=3d

    For more details, please refer to [rclone cleanup documentation](

Last updated