Add & Update a Pool

Use this guide to add a new pool or update an existing one in your Application Load Balancer (ALB).

Adding a New Pool

  1. Access the Load Balancer Homepage: Go to

  2. Select Your Load Balancer: Click on the Load Balancer where you want to add the new pool.

  3. Go to the Pool Tab: In the Load Balancer details page, select the "Pool" tab.

  4. Click "Add New Pool": A pop-up window will appear, allowing you to configure the pool's information.

  5. Configure Pool Settings:

    • Pool Name: Note that the pool name cannot be changed after creation.

    • Protocol: TCP / Proxy / UDP.

    • Load Balancing Algorithm: Choose a suitable algorithm (refer to Pool's algorithm for more information).

    • Health Check Settings: Configure health check settings for TCP/HTTP protocols (refer to Config health check setting for instructions).

    • Add Pool Members: Add backend servers or IP addresses to the pool (refer to Attach pool members for instructions).

  6. Click "Add" to finalize: Click the "Add" button in the bottom right corner of the window to complete the pool creation.

Updating a Pool

  1. Access the Load Balancer Homepage: Go to

  2. Select Your Load Balancer: Click on the Load Balancer containing the pool you want to edit.

  3. Go to the Pool Tab: In the Load Balancer details page, select the "Pool" tab.

  4. Click "Edit": Hover over the pool you want to edit and click the "Edit" icon.

  5. Make Changes: A pop-up window will appear, allowing you to edit the following:

    • Load Balancing Algorithm

    • Advanced Health Check Configuration

  6. Save Changes: Click "Save" in the bottom right corner of the window to finalize your pool updates.

Last updated