Supported Metrics List

Linux/Windows metrics

vMonitor Platform's Metric Agent is built based on Telegraf software. By default, when installing Metric Agent, we will open plugin inputs such as:

  • system. system

  • disk. disk

  • kernel

  • net

  • diskio

  • meme

  • processes. processes

  • swap

  • cpu

You can see detailed information about the Metrics and Units of the above plugins here , and you can open additional plugin inputs to push more Metrics to vMonitor.

Product metrics

When Resources on VNG Cloud are created, by default there will be 2 types of monitors: Basic and Detail

Monitoring type


Basic monitoring


  • In this mode, a number of default metrics will be pushed and stored on the vMonitor Platform system. For details, refer to the detailed parameter table below.

  • Data is available automatically at 1 minute intervals.

Detailed monitoring


  • In this mode, all existing metrics on the Resource are pushed and stored on the vMonitor Platform system. For details, refer to the detailed parameter table below.

  • Data is available automatically at 1 minute intervals.

To know what each type of monitoring can do, please refer to the List of Supported Metrics .

Last updated